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Spoil yourself: 5 Easy ways to invest in your happiness

Whether or not we’re happy comes down to one thing and that’s ourselves. Happiness isn’t dependent on what people do or don’t do and it’s not dependent on what we have or don’t have — happiness is about how we think and how we live. Spoil yourself with these five easy ideas and invest in your happiness every day.

Happiness relies on the choices we make every day — what people we surround ourselves with, what kind of activities we take on, how we take care of ourselves. But in our busy lives, it can become easy to forget to take care of ourselves, to spoil ourselves that little bit and to invest in our own happiness. Here’s what we should all be investing in to feel happy:


Feeling good

Invest in feeling healthy and energised. This can be done by eating the right foods and heading along to your favourite dance class, or it could mean going to bed early for a good night’s rest. Take care of yourself and invest in feeling good. Buy foods that make you feel alive and take part in your favourite activities to keep yourself fit and healthy. You will begin to wake up every morning feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world with a smile.


Try something new

Challenge yourself by trying something new at every opportunity you get. You might want to enrol in a course, learn a new language or even go skydiving. Trying new things that scare and challenge you can be a great way to keep you on your toes. Take the time to stimulate your mind and get your heart racing, and see the effect it has on your happiness.

Spoil yourself: Easy ways to treat yourself each morning >>


Alone time

Be selfish and put yourself first once in a while and take time out to celebrate you by giving yourself space to breathe. Spend one afternoon a week, or even just 30 minutes whenever you can, doing exactly what you want. Relax and give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing if that’s what you want to do. Or, you might want to get a massage, or even prepare your own pamper day at home.


Celebrate you

Happiness can come from simple accomplishments as well as the big life-changing moments, so be sure to acknowledge your achievements and continue to dream up new ones. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements by treating yourself to something extra special. Continue to set goals and make plans about how to achieve them. Imagining yourself accomplishing new goals will motivate and inspire you to grow.

Set the bar right — Goal setting: Should we do it? >>


Share the love

Spoiling yourself is guilt-free happiness, because you deserve it. But remember to share the love around with the people you surround yourself with, your family and friends, and remember to also show acts of love towards people you don’t know. Treat people how you’d like to be treated and feel happy knowing that you might have just made someone’s day. A simple smile could be all it takes.

Guilt-free happiness

According to intuitive life coach and all-round inspiring woman Krista Jane, spoiling ourselves not only makes us happy, it also:

  • Gives us the space, clarity and energy to give to others
  • Allows us to be the best version of ourselves
  • Allows us to give to others so much more

So the next time you want to be selfish and spoil yourself, do it knowing that you’re not just doing it for yourself, you’re doing it for others too. Because, ultimately, your happiness affects those around you.

More on life and happiness

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