To know that dozens of people worked around the clock and donated thousands of dollars in material and labor just because they cared about David and me having a shot at a better life makes me feel so incredibly blessed. My life’s experiences have made me wonder if there were still good people out there, people who cared. SheKnows proved to me there are. Our new home is unbelievable, but knowing our new space was created and designed out of love makes it that much more comforting to us.
I have been in a battle with my house since I bought it in 2003. It has taken everything I had financially, emotionally, and physically to maintain our house, and that still was never enough. For the first time in almost 10 years, my son can independently navigate through the place we call home. David now has access to the entire house, which has been the greatest gift of all!
On several occasions I have caught him opening the back door, letting himself out, and just sitting in the back patio and enjoying the weather. There is no price I could put on the ability to see that.
Thank you… Thank you… Thank you… Words can not express how much this has meant to us! It would have taken me a decade to save up and complete the maintenance you all completed in just five days. I truly believe that this has given us a much needed new start.
It feels as if our story of trials and tribulations are finally over and now a new story can begin, one of peace and comfort, one that may encompass struggles now and again, but nothing like what we have already overcome.
We hope to meet and/or see you all again on the next episode of Homergency. We wouldn’t miss the opportunity to pay it forward and be part of this for another family.
Love, an eternally grateful mother and her heroic little boy,
~Michelle and David Campuzano
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