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How to make money blogging

Blogging. Sounds like every woman’s dream job. Stay home, set your own hours and write about your passion — whether it be cooking, decorating, parenting, fitness or just everyday life. The question is — is it possible to actually make a living off of this? And if so, how much could you make and how do you go about it?

Not surprisingly, it takes a lot to actually make enough money blogging to replace your full-time job. The truth is, only a very small percentage of bloggers actually bring in an income. And it takes months to get to that point. So before you quit your day job, follow these tips to start earning an income on your blog.

Find a following

First and foremost, you have to have a substantial number of readers to even think about making money. Get involved with the blogging community (by following other bloggers, commenting on their posts, emailing them, etc.), post your own entries on networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and other blogs and share your blog with family and friends. The more readers you have, the more likely you are to be able to bring in a substantial income. To give you an example, a blog with 600,000 page views per month (yes, 600,000!) brings in between $6,000-$7,000 a month.


Once you’ve generated a decent amount of traffic, start advertising. A good place to begin is Adsense. This is a free program run by Google, where you place Google ads on your website or blog and are paid per click. You get to decide what types of ads you want to display and where you want them displayed. As far as earnings, say you have 1,000 viewers per day and a click rate of 1 percent. At 25 cents per click, you will receive $2.50 per day. This isn’t going to make you rich, but it does add up. And remember, the more page views you have, the more likely you are to be successful (again, if you have followers).

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another form of advertising where companies post an ad on your blog and you earn revenue either per click, per sale or per lead. This has many benefits to you as you don’t need to pay anything upfront or even do anything for that matter, except, of course, be generating enough traffic so companies will want to advertise on your site. Amazon is a great place to start. All you need to do is sign up for their affiliate program and provide a link to the product on your blog. You will be paid if the reader makes a purchase from your link.


This is where companies pay you to post an ad on your blog. Sometimes, sponsors will find you and contact you directly. More often than not, though, you need to let people and companies know you are looking for sponsors. A great way to do this is through your own blog! Advertise how many page views you’re getting per month and businesses will want to have a spot on your blog.

Doing all of these things is a great way to start making money on your blog. As you can see, it takes a lot of work, patience and dedication. Once you have the followers, though, the opportunities are endless. From simple ads all the way up to possible book deals, blogging can bring in huge revenue if done correctly.

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