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Signs it’s time to add 4G mobile hotspot service to your cell phone

In this day and age of high speed Internet access, we want what we want and we want it yesterday. We don’t want to wait for slow service or (gasp) no service. We have important things to look up, incredibly pertinent e-mails to compose and witty Facebook statuses to post. Yes, you may have a smart phone, but that might not always do the trick. Here’s how you know when it’s time to add 4G mobile hotspot.

You’re tired of paying for wireless Internet

In many cases, adding a 4G mobile hotspot to your cell phone may cost less than what you are currently paying for wireless internet. The device itself can be bought for as little as $20 (with promotions), and the monthly fee could save you money. In most cases 4-5 different Wi-Fi compatible devices (laptops, tablets, gaming devices) can be run simultaneously.

You travel a lot

It’s impractical to take your home’s Wi-Fi modem and router with you when you travel for two reasons. The first is there are a lot of wires, and the second and probably most important is that it won’t work! That is the genius behind a 4G mobile hotspot. It goes anywhere you need and want to go. You will never have to worry about being without Wi-Fi or having to pay for it. It’s like sticking the worldwide web in your pocket and taking it anywhere you go. You’ll never dread another road trip with the kids because everyone can be happily tuned into their gaming device or watching their favorite TV shows off the Internet.

Your business is tied to your laptop

The best thing about working remotely is you can do your job from wherever. So it’s no big deal to party with your friend Friday night, stay over and get some work done Saturday morning, right? That’s a swell plan, right up until you’re up against a deadline and your friend’s Wi-Fi connection is either dreadfully slow or doesn’t work at all. Never rely on someone else’s Wi-Fi again. It’s too dicey when you have to have that proposal done and you only have a couple hours to do it. Adding a 4G mobile hotspot is just good business sense!

4G is bigger and badder than 3G

4G kicks some righteous high-speed butt! No more tapping your foot waiting for your favorite YouTube clip to download. No more trying to retrieve valuable and needed information from the web and gritting your teeth in aggravation. When you have a 4G mobile hotspot, it really is like taking your living room or office with you!

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