Who doesn’t love a fresh bouquet of flowers in the house? What if you could cut your own from your flower garden? Keep reading for five varieties you can grow at home for beautiful bouquets.
Nothing brightens up your home like a vase filled with fresh-cut flowers. Buying bunches of blooms can be costly, so many home gardeners turn to their own plants to provide indoor color. With the right plants and some planning, your flower garden will produce enough blooms for you to enjoy throughout the spring and summer.
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Plan your plot
The best spot for planting your flower garden is one that will get full sun for at least six to eight hours a day. Choose a location that will allow you to easily reach the plants for cutting without having to step on other plants. An easy option is to do a raised bed, allowing access around all four sides. Flowering plants may need a daily watering on the hottest days, so make sure your garden is easily accessible for hand-watering. A small gravel pathway or a few stepping stones can create an easy entryway into your garden if space is tight.
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Choose your flowers
When choosing flowering plants for your garden, make sure to take into account the climate in your area. This may determine the best time for you to plant each variety, since it will vary by region. Some of the flowers you choose may be grown from bulbs, planted from seed or be annuals or perennials. By planting at various times, your garden will have blooms available for months on end.
In addition to the flowering plants, include some greenery to complete your bouquets. Think tall grasses, baby’s breath or even rosemary. Use your imagination in creating a mixture of textures and colors, and each time you fill a vase the look will be uniquely yours.
There are so many flowers you can grow that would work well for cut flowers, but these are a few of our favorites.
The blooms on a dahlia are spectacular, making them one of the most popular plants for your cut-flower garden. They boast blooms in a wide variety of colors, including white, pink, yellow, lavender, orange and purple. Planted from bulbs, they come in various-sized blooms from petite to giant saucer-sized flowers.
Planted from seed, zinnias grow rapidly and come in a variety of colors, ranging from yellow or white to brilliant reds and soft pinks. Not only are they a great plant for a cut-flower garden, but they are also quite attractive to butterflies.
Plant your own bouquet garden and start bringing the beauty of your flowers into your home.
Watch: How to re-pot a plant
In this episode learn how to perfectly re-pot a plant.
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