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Best apps for the iPhone: Apps to quit smoking

Trying to kick that nasty cigarette habit? These iPhone apps can help. These apps employ everything from research studies to hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking.

iPhone apps

apps to quit smoking

Between the useful functions your iPhone serves and the entertainment it provides, you might have your iPhone glued to your hand during your waking hours. We do, too. You’ve heard the saying “There’s an app for that” — and there is! We’re bringing you fun and useful apps for your iPhone every week. Today, we’re sharing five apps to help you quit smoking.

Trying to kick that nasty cigarette habit? These iPhone apps can help. These apps employ everything from research studies to hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking and stay committed to your smoke-free life.


This app shows you how long it’s been since your last cigarette as well as how much money you have saved as a result. You can even upload images of what inspires you to stay smoke-free. It allows you to post to Facebook and other social media to track (and brag about) your results. Quitter is available for iPhone and iPad.

Price: Free

GottaKickit Now

If you can’t quit cold turkey, this app will help ease you away from cigarettes. GottaKickit Now features a timer that tells you when to have your next cigarette, gradually increasing the time between each one until, eventually, you are smoke-free. If you are looking for a simple app to help break your cigarette habit, this one is a great choice.

Price: $4.99

iQuit Stop Smoking Counter

Now that you have quit smoking, the iQuit Stop Smoking Counter will encourage you to stick to it. This iPhone app measures the length of time that you have quit smoking in days, hours and minutes as well as the money you have saved and the extra life you have gained. It also displays how many cigarettes you have not smoked since you stopped smoking.

Price: $1.99

Quit Smoking Now with Max Kirsten

This highly-rated app features the advice of internationally renowned clinical hypnotherapist and self-help expert Max Kirsten, who has helped thousands of people successfully quit smoking. The Quit Smoking Now with Max Kirsten app features high-quality recordings, videos, fact cards, an ebook and much more.

Price: $6.99


With the iQuit “scheduled reduction” method, you can gradually wean yourself off cigarettes. You set the time you want to arrive at your goal to be smoke-free, and the app does the rest. iQuit lets you know how much longer you have to wait until your next cigarette, gradually increasing the wait each time.

Price: Free

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