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5 Clever uses for your cake stand

Cake stands are beautiful when displaying cake, but what else can you do with them? Check out these clever ideas for turning them into an item you use more often.

DIY decor

Dust off your cake stand

Cake stands are beautiful when displaying cake, but what else can you do with them? Check out these clever ideas for turning them into an item you use more often.

So many accessories in our homes are really just one-trick ponies — designed for a specific purpose and rarely used. While most people have at least one cake stand, how often do you really serve cake? We wondered how these beautiful pieces could become functional decor pieces in other rooms of the house.

Cleanup squad

The kitchen sink is one of the busiest spots in your home. Why not keep your must-haves right where you need them, rather than underneath and hidden away? Set your cake stand next to the sink and use it to display a soap dispenser, sponge, scrubbing pad and hand lotion. Line the cake stand with a pretty kitchen towel, and your kitchen cleanup items just stepped up their appeal. Doing dishes is still a chore, but now you have something pretty to gaze at.

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Green it up

Bring a bit of greenery to your kitchen by using your cake stand to display small plants or herb cuttings. Tiny ferns or delicate African violets can be planted in small pots and arranged on a single cake stand or stack several for a greater effect. You can also use a bird’s nest (real or purchased from the craft store) to display a single plant. Choose a nest slightly smaller in diameter than your cake stand and line it with plastic to prevent leaks. The plant is planted inside the nest, creating a beautiful focal piece for a coffee table or a centerpiece in your dining room.

Gem of an idea

So much jewelry winds up on the bottom of a drawer or tucked away in a box that sometimes it seems we wear the same pieces over and over. A tiered cake stand (usually used for cupcakes or cookies) is a pretty way to display your jewelry and watches on top of your dresser. The smaller tier on top is the perfect size for rings or pins, and chunkier pieces like bracelets fit well on the bottom tiers. Not only does your jewelry become part of your bedroom decor, but you will start finding excuses to wear a bit of bling.

Light it up

The warm glow of candles brings a relaxing feeling to any room in your home. Your cake stand is a great place to create a candle arrangement in your bedroom, bathroom or living area. Choose candles of varying heights, in colors and scents that complement your decor. The cake stand will catch any wax drippings, keeping your table or dresser safe from damage.

Baby cakes

Use a cake stand on the changing table in your baby’s nursery as a cute place to gather the things you will need close by. Cover the stand with a cute baby washcloth or burp cloth, then arrange baby care items on top. Diaper cream, hand sanitizer, small rattles to occupy your baby while changing, baby powder, nail clippers and a hairbrush are all close at hand when displayed this way.

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Bonus idea: Desk organizer

With so many fun and creative ways to use your cake stand, you may have to buy another one to use for cake.

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Photo credits: Melissa Dunlap

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