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Holiday gift sets and hair tips galore!

I’m still stuffed from Thanksgiving and am now on the hunt for some great gift sets for those who I adore! Lucky for you, I’ve scouted out all the great deals at the mall! Here are a few of my package deals this year!

holiday hair

The best tips

I’m still stuffed from Thanksgiving and am now on the hunt for some great gift sets for those who I adore! Lucky for you, I’ve scouted out all the great deals at the mall! Here are a few of my package deals this year!


This holiday season, NARS has released a fantastic set of gifts inspired by the art legend, Andy Warhol. Now we can really paint our canvas like an artist!


Then there’s MAC! They have a whole selection to choose from this season. My favorite? The brush sets! These make a great gift for your friends or yourself. While you’re at it, don’t forget your MAC makeup wipes — there’s nothing on the market like them.


Whether you’re shopping for your assistant, your sister or someone else, these great gift sets from Kiehl’s give lots of variety and range in price.


The hair brand has one of the best value gift sets out there this year and free shipping if you spend over $100.

Bargain blowouts

One of the best bargains for the holidays is the $35 blow dry at the Phyto blow dry lounge at The Fred Segal Salon in Santa Monica. Phyto has some great gift ideas as well.

Beautiful tools

If you are looking to get your first blow dryer, curling or flat iron for yourself or as a gift, get the best and forget the rest. Here’s where you can find a great selection from Solano.

Sparkling hairstyles!

Now what about your holiday hair looks for those holiday parties? Whether you have to go or you want to go, there’s one rule: You should always look amazing. Who knows — you might meet Mr. Right there!

  1. Take the front bangs area and create a braid (if you have bangs, take a side section and give a little spray with phyto laque soi.
  2. For the rest of the hair, take a brush and backcomb the roots loosely. Brush the surface tight at the sides, but leave volume on the top.
  3. Include the braid and take it all back in either a nice ponytail, or do a ponytail and wrap the ends around and spray again. Pin either to the side or dead center at the nape of your neck.
  4. For longer hair, take two braids in the back and wrap around the top and pin. Braided headbands can be great too but weird when the color doesn’t match, so choose wisely.

Add some sparkle and get yourself out to your local flea market and look for something fun and unique, with a bit of a story to it. Who knows — it may become a great talking piece at a party. A simple clip to pull the hair off your face can be as effective.

A headband pressed on top of a backcombed knotted hairdo is a great modern look. Leave it on the messier side.

Have a great holiday, be safe, and don’t drink and drive.



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