Suddenly realize your crafting hobby is taking over the dining room? No worries. We have the perfect ideas to organize your craft and scrapbooking supplies so you can find what you need and eat dinner, too!
It’s time to get those craft supplies organized, ladies! If that seems like an insurmountable and extremely expensive task, just check out these easy tips for getting it all together in a creative way that’s sure to appeal to the crafty gal.
Get it together
First things first — before you can organize the supplies, you need to organize and sort them. While you’re sorting, toss anything you know you won’t need. Once you have everything sorted into different categories, you’ll have a better idea of what solution you need. Remember, your stash of supplies will likely grow, so make sure you have enough storage space to accommodate your growing collection.
Use rods for rolls
Every crafter has a variety of ribbon, paper and other supplies that come on rolls. To keep it in good condition and easy to access, install rods to hang them on. You can use store-bought rods with rubber stoppers in a craft closet or insert dowel rods purchased at a hardware store in a row in a laundry basket by running the rods through parallel holes. Just make sure the rods are at least somewhat easy to remove so you can add new rolls and take off empty ones.
Repurpose old glass jars
For things like buttons and beads, a lot of crafters use the same toolkits carpenters and contractors use to store screws, nuts and bolts. That’s a great idea, but it’s not the only way (and let’s face it, those little plastic kits aren’t really that cute).
Instead, you can mount the lids of old clear jars of various sizes to the bottom of a cabinet or shelf using flat-head nails or screws (make sure the nail or screw isn’t so long that it goes through the top of the shelf. Then just put all your supplies in the jar and screw it into the lid, where it will stay suspended and make it easy to see what’s in each jar.
Extra small items like eyelets can easily be stored in little pillboxes (you know, the kind that show the days of the week?). Just use tiny labels for each individual container or glue one of the items in that container to the outside so you can easily identify which supplies are where.
Learn how to
turn a playroom
into a craft room!
Tins or pails for longer items
If you need a place to store pens, scissors, craft knives and other longer items, store them in a series of vintage pails or save old coffee or chip tins and wrap them with beautiful contact paper. The pails can also be hung from hooks placed on the bottom of shelves or cabinets. Alternatively, use a wine rack with clear tubing.
Think outside the craft store
Desktop stadium-style organizers are perfect for small scrapbooking decals, stickers and similar supplies and the tiered levels make it easy to see everything you have at a glance. Those plastic sleeves for photos or trading cards also work well for this purpose and can be stored in a binder with index dividers for labeling and categorizing.
Desk drawer organizers, accordion files, file carts and more can be used for a variety of purposes. But it doesn’t stop at the office. Shower caddies, glassware and bowls, closet organizers and more can be repurposed for your craft supplies.
Don’t be afraid to hang things in unusual places, either. A canvas shoe organizer can be hung on a curtain rod to do double-duty as an organizer and curtains. The possibilities are endless.
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What craft-supply organizing ideas do you have? Tell us in the comments below.
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