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The perfect porch decoration: Watering can flowerpot

This is a great floral craft for anyone, but especially if you don’t have a green thumb! Use artificial plants or flowers to keep things blooming.

This craft has the potential to look fresh and fabulous all season. Use dried or silk flowers (or plastic plants) and a watering can to put together the perfect porch decoration for spring! There’s no need to worry about enough water or sunlight for this bunch of blooms. This will look great on your front porch, or even indoors.


  • 1 metal watering can (use a predecorated can, or one made of galvanized steel for a more rustic look)
  • 1 bunch of artificial flowers or plants of your choice (for a small watering can, we used one large sprig purchased from a craft store)
  • Several small rocks (pick these up from outside) — just enough to cover the bottom of the inside of the watering can
  • Floral foam, small enough to fit into the well of the watering can
  • Wire cutters
  • Newspaper to cover your work surface
  • Floral moss (optional)



Lay your newspaper on your work surface to protect it from the supplies. Add the rocks to the bottom of the watering can in a single layer to help stabilize your arrangement.


Add a few pieces of floral foam on top of the rocks. It should hit almost halfway up the inside of the watering can.


Use the wire cutter to trim singular sprigs of your plant to fit into the watering can. Cut some longer ones and some shorter ones. Once you begin to fill in your plant, you can add more later, as needed.


Poke the ends of the plant sprigs into the floral foam to keep them secure in the watering can.


Bend the sprigs to shape them as natural plants would fall (or stand) in a flowerpot — in this case, the watering can. Put the taller ones on the perimeter of the arrangement and the shorter ones on the inside. Find any holes and fill them in with remaining sprigs.

If you use flowers or plants that are tall and thin, you may want to use floral moss to fill in any gaps toward the top of the arrangement. This will also help hide the top, inside portion of the watering can so the stems and floral foam are not visible.

Final project

Brighten up any corner of your home, or your porch, with this floral project!

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