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Cute ponytail holders that double as bracelets

Tired of those bland hair ties that are ruining your fashion vibe? These super cute hair bands double as a bracelet and can adorn your wrist at all times.

The new ponytail

Charmed Hair Ties

(, $15)

These sparkly charmed hair ties could easily pass as stylish bracelets. Perfect for casual lunch dates, special occasion parties or shopping expeditions, these trendy bands will definitely get noticed.


Black Tricot

(, $15)

These adorable hair ties called the “Black Tricot” can be worn with just about anything. It’s always best to show up prepared, so slip these bands around your wrist for a night out with your girlfriends or date night with your man.


Cyndi Bands

(, $10)

Neon colors continue to be our favorite hues. These bands can be worn at the gym, or even out to a summer swim party with friends. The best part? They don’t snag or damage hair and last a lot longer than regular hair ties.


Free People Elastic
Printed Hair Ties

(, $10)

This set of hair elastics is for those with a more laid-back, relaxed vintage style. They can brighten up any outfit with their luminous colors and floral prints. Looking to switch it up a bit? They can also be woven into braids, twisted into hair, left dangling from the bottom, or used to tie up a loose ponytail.


Gold Cross Bauble
Hair Tie Set

(, $16)

Want to add just a tiny bit of flair to your ponytail? These elastic bands are simple and easy to match with almost any outfit, a plus for your “not so bright” days.

More hair tips

5 Easy ways to fancy up a ponytail
Quick on-the-go ponytail styles
6 Sexy ponytail styles

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