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Grow plants with a gadget: Click & Grow

Anyone can garden with a simple gadget, even those without a green thumb. The Click and Grow electronic smart pot makes things super simple.

Gardening gadget

Everything’s coming up!

Anyone can garden with a simple gadget, even those without a green thumb. The Click and Grow electronic smart pot makes things super simple.

Do you work better with gadgets than gardening, but still want some plants in your life? The Click and Grow electronic smart pot might be more your thing than actually digging in the dirt and tending to tomatoes or pretty flowers.

A gadget for greenery

You really can have the best of both worlds with the Click and Grow electronic smart pot. You won’t have to fret about the proper plant container, the right soil or how far to dig in the dirt. All you need to focus on is which plant you’d like — then insert the cartridge into the pot. That might sound a bit strange, but Click and Grow basically takes care of the details of indoor plants for you.

How your garden will grow

Click and Grow is an electronic smart pot that doses an exact amount of water, fertilizer and air, according to the plant’s needs. You won’t need to water your plant all the time (or wonder about when you should). It only takes a few steps to get you on your way.


  1. Remove the plant’s lid
  2. Insert 4 AA batteries into the container
  3. Fill the reservoir with water
  4. Attach the lid
  5. Top off the container with the germination lid (which you’ll remove once your plants begin to sprout)
  6. Wait for your sprouts to appear

Starter kit

The planter is a square-shaped, sleek, white plastic container, and you have several plant options to choose from when you order an $80 starter kit:

  • Basil
  • Chili pepper
  • Mini tomato
  • Busy Lizzy flowers
  • Cockscomb

Replacement cartridges

The pot is reusable, and you only need to replace the cartridge to continue growing a plant or to change things up. Replacement cartridges are $20, and choices include:

  • Basil
  • Chili pepper
  • Sage
  • Busy Lizzy flowers
  • Cockscomb
  • Painted nettle
  • Lemon balm
  • Coriander
  • Lamb’s ear

Watch the short video to see just how easy it is to get your indoor plants started and growing with minimal care.

Without excessive time, skills or effort, you can have beautiful blooming plants to call your own!?

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