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Your tax season survival guide

It’s that time again! Tax season is here, and you’re gearing up to sift through those receipts. But before you get started, take a time-out to simplify this intimidating process. We’ve rounded up the best advice to help get you through it!

Keeping taxes simple

It’s that time again! Tax season is here, and you’re gearing up to sift through those receipts. But before you get started, take a time-out to simplify this intimidating process. We’ve rounded up the best advice to help get you through it!

Deductions, exemptions, extensions and refunds — it’s enough to make this time of year a household nightmare! You’ve gathered your statements, you’ve crunched the numbers, but perhaps you still feel somewhat overwhelmed. Don’t fret, it’s only natural!

As intimidating as tax season is, with the right steps you can conquer the storm. The key to survival is breaking everything down, and knowing exactly where to turn if you get stumped. Simplify the process by preparing up front, and wrap it all up with a well-earned break! Let us help you get started with this handy guide.

Tips for the procrastinator

Recovering after tax season

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