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5-Step skin care regimen for combination skin

If you’re oily in some areas and dry in others, it’s time to get things balanced. Maintaining moisture in your skin while taking care of a troubled T-zone can be a bit concerning, but we scouted out help from Dr. Coyle S. Connolly, president of Connolly Dermatology in New Jersey and board certified dermatologist, about the best course of action for your unique skin type.

Step 1: Cleanse

First, wash your hands. You don’t want any dirt from your hands entering the pores on your newly-cleaned face. Then, seek out an appropriate cleanser for combination skin. Typically, a cleanser labeled “for normal skin” will work great for combination skin.

Using a cotton pad, massage the cleanser into your skin. “Moisten skin with warm water and gently massage cleanser with pad in circular motion, covering [your] entire face,” Connolly advises. “Rinse well and pat dry.”

Step 2: Tone

Again, seeking out a toner for “normal” skin, tone your entire face and avoid the eyes, Connolly says. It might be worth using two toners — one with alcohol for your oily areas and one without for dry, sensitive ones. Apply the toner using a clean cotton pad or with a misting bottle.

Step 3: Mask

Using a mask for combination skin will allow your skin to find its balance between excessive oil and uber-dry desert skin. “Apply mask with fingertips or fan brush and spread over entire face, avoiding the eye area,” Connolly says. Once the mask is left on for the manufacturer’s recommended time, rinse off with warm water. If you find the mask drying, you can use it only once or twice a week and still obtain the desired effect.

Step 4: Serum

The right combination skin serum will help your skin find its balance without over-moisturizing your oily areas. Plus, it will prevent premature aging. “Apply appropriate serum with fingertips and spread over [your] entire face and neck area,” Connolly says.

Step 5: Sunscreen

Everyone needs to protect their skin, and combination skin types are no exception. Connolly suggests finding a mineral SPF powder to not overly-moisturize oily areas, keeping your skin protected and balanced, even as you apply makeup and face the elements throughout the day.

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