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Making it work when you have a new boss

Whether you love your old boss or don’t care for him one bit, you’re used to him. You know his quirks, you know his expectations, and you know how he operates. You know when he’s in a bad mood and when you should avoid him.

Deep down, you’re hoping for a boss that you’ll love, but you know that just may not be the case. Luckily, getting a new boss provides new opportunities — not just challenges. We’re sharing some foolproof tips on how to make the switch easier — for both you and your new boss.

Keep a positive attitude

No one likes change, and your new boss gets that. You can make the transition easier by staying positive and going in with a great attitude. If you dread getting a new boss and can’t bear the thought of someone else telling you what to do, you’re setting yourself up for failure (and not even giving your new boss a chance). Instead, think of it as an opportunity to get to know someone else — someone who just might make your life and job a little easier. Attitude is everything, so keep yours in check.

Be friendly

Take the initiative to get to know your new boss. Go out of you way to ask questions about their work history, family life or other hobbies and interests. Taking the time to invest in the relationship shows your boss that they’re lucky to have you on the team. There’s no better way to ensure you’ll start off on the right foot than by being friendly and welcoming towards your new boss.

Be willing to accept changes

No two people are the same, so no two people are expected to manage and run a team in the same manner. Respect this. Change comes with the territory of having a new boss, plain and simple. While most people cringe at the thought of change, it can sometimes be for the better. And if it’s not? Well, suck it up and put a smile on your face. After all, this is your job and your main responsibility is to do as you’re told.

View it as an opportunity

A new boss equals a clean slate for you. You get to start fresh and move forward. This is especially vital for those that didn’t get along well with their last boss. Now, you can build a better connection with your new boss and hopefully he or she will be willing to help you reach your career potential. A good boss wants to see their employees succeed and wants the best for them. This is a huge opportunity for you as a career woman.

Offer your help

A great way to score bonus points with your new boss is by offering your help — whether it’s helping them learn a certain process or helping them feel like they’re a part of the team. Remember, they’re new to this too and probably just as nervous (if not more) than you are about their new role. They want to feel accepted, well-liked and respected. Going out of your way to help them with this transition shows them that they’re a part of a really great team — and that you’re a really great employee.

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