91. Urbane
Definition: suave, sophisticated, refined; being or appearing to be high-society
Example: Even in a low-end suit from last season, Claudia struck all she met as urbane.
92. Vacillate
Definition: to go back and forth between two points
Example: Nina vacillated between the lamb and fish for so long, her friends just ordered for her.
93. Verisimilitude
Definition: probable or realistic; the appearance of truth
Example: The ad campaign has a certain verisimilitude that customers seem to identify with.
94. Versatile
Definition: able to perform a variety of tasks; adaptable
Example: A versatile employee, Kim is just as comfortable troubleshooting software as she is making sales.
95. Vicarious
Definition: to do or feel on behalf of another
Example: Kat can’t stay away from celebrity news; she lives vicariously through the Kardashians.
96. Vehement
Definition: insistent and inflexible
Example: Eva was so vehement that the salespeople would follow up with customers within two days of dropping off the proposal; anyone who didn’t would be fired.
97. Wheelhouse
Definition: a metaphor for an individual’s area of comfort or expertise (in business)
Example: Sandra, whose degree was in accounting, was asked to calculate the team’s sales projections because that type of work is in her wheelhouse.
98. White elephant
Definition: something that costs more to keep or maintain than it’s actually worth
Example: Because of the constant discounts we have to give to move this product, I think it’s a white elephant. We should consider discontinuing it.
99. Wunderkind
Definition: a young person who succeeds, usually in business
Example: After creating Facebook while in college, wunderkind Mark Zuckerberg recently married the love of his life.
100. Zealous
Definition: enthusiastic, often to the point of fanatical
Example: Penelope’s zealous chatter about her cats was a real turnoff to her coworkers.
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