31. Epicurean
Definition: discriminating or sophisticated tastes
Example: To appeal to customers with more epicurean tastes, our company uses only the freshest, organic ingredients from local farmers.
32. Esoteric
Definition: difficult to understand except by a chosen few; an interest that’s special or rare
Example: When conversing with clients, be careful of esoteric, industry-specific terms.
33. Expendable
Definition: not worth keeping or maintaining; something you can sacrifice (usually for the greater good)
Example: Xenia worked hard and always carefully researched things to ensure her employer knew she wasn’t expendable.
34. Fabricate
Definition: to produce or create (in manufacturing); manufactured (with regard to facts), fake or untrue; imitation
Example: To get his boss to her surprise retirement party, Jamal fabricated a story involving angry clients and a meeting at her favorite restaurant.
35. Facetious
Definition: playful (sometimes inappropriate) humor
Example: The manager often made facetious remarks to his subordinates, but took on a more serious demeanor in front of the company bigwigs.
36. Fastidious
Definition: critical; demanding; difficult to please
Example: The best customer service representatives can please even the most fastidious customers if they’re willing to listen.
37. Fiasco
Definition: a total failure; a complicated situation that ends in failure
Example: My suit was wrinkled, my business cards got soaked in the rain and when I left, I found a huge piece of spinach in my teeth — the whole thing was a total fiasco.
38. Galvanize
Definition: to propel a person or people into activity or inspiration
Example: Gina gave a rousing victory speech, galvanizing her campaign volunteers to stay active on social media long after the election was over.
39. Gambit
Definition: a remark or tactic used to redirect a conversation or seek an advantage
Example: Elena began to cry, but the officer was used to that gambit and gave her a ticket anyway.
40. Geopolitical
Definition: anything political affecting the relationships or two or more countries
Example: Many people blame rising gasoline costs on geopolitical instability in the Middle East.
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