71. Ramification
Definition: results, consequences or implications
Example: As she drove back to work, Catriona was nervous about the ramifications of losing her company’s biggest client.
72. Red herring
Definition: something intended to divert attention from the actual problem or situation
Example: To prevent the competition from knowing what they were really working on, the tech company introduced a red herring in the form of a false rumor.
73. Rejoinder
Definition: a clever or witty response
Example: Emily’s sparkling rejoinders made her popular with the group very quickly.
74. Reticent
Definition: reluctant to speak or speak freely (often confused with reluctant, which means unwilling)
Example: Laura was reticent on the subject of her children because her son is in jail.
75. Rhetoric
Definition: the effective use of speech, especially that which is exaggerated to make a potentially erroneous point
Example: Despite the fact that Leslie agreed with Tom’s analysis, she distanced herself from his over-the-top rhetoric.
76. Rife
Definition: abundant, abounding; prevalent
Example: The store was rife with customers, so the manager was forced to open a new register.
77. Ruminate
Definition: to think about something thoroughly and in great detail
Example: Elysia ruminated about her hiring decision for several days before choosing raw talent over experience.
78. Sanguine
Definition: accepting even negative circumstances with a positive attitude
Example: While it would make her job more difficult, Theresa was sanguine when she was told she’d have to complete the project a week earlier than expected.
79. Spartan
Definition: sternly disciplined, rigorously simple, frugal or austere
Example: He made plenty of money, yet lead a Spartan lifestyle in his 600-square-foot apartment and drove an early model Honda Civic to work each day.
80. Stalwart
Definition: a loyal and reliable member or supporter
Example: Even after she retired as librarian, Pearl remained a stalwart supporter of local book drives.
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