The way you speak with friends may be inappropriate in a professional situation. Are you sabotaging your career with any of these words that make you sound less than intelligent?
Whether you’re using a word inappropriately, mispronouncing it or just using work-inappropriate slang, strike these 100 words and phrases from your professional vocabulary. Click any word below to learn why that word is often hit-or-miss.
1. Actually
Definition: used to signify something exists in reality or is present
You can use this when you need to convey that something is true, but avoid it as a way to add extra punch to your sentence. There’s no need to tell someone “he actually said to me.” If you’re telling the story, that’s the presumption.
2. Adverse vs. averse
Adverse means undesirable. Averse means reluctant, so don’t say, “It caused averse effects.”
3. Ain’t
Definition: a colloquial contraction often used in place of isn’t, aren’t, am not, etc.
It may be in the dictionary, but it’s still nonstandard and associated by most with uneducated speech.
4. Affidavid vs. affidavit
There’s no such thing as an affidavid. The word is pronounced AF-I-DAVE-IT. The difference is negligible in some dialects, but be careful nonetheless.
5. Antidote vs. anecdote
An antidote is a medicine to counteract a poison (literally or metaphorically). An anecdote is a story one tells, generally to illustrate a point.
6. As to whether
This is a common phrase people use because they think it sounds smarter or fancier. Just say “whether.”
7. Ask vs. aks
Because “aks” a colloquial pronunciation in some areas, it may be acceptable locally, but be careful in the business world — people from most regions think it sounds childish (like “pasketti”).
8. Asterik(s) vs. asterisk
It’s just a tiny little symbol denoted by the star character above your eight key, but it does have a name, and it’s ASS-TUH-RISK.
9. Catastrophical
Not a word. Use catastrophic instead.
10. Chester drawers
Unless you’re referring to Chester’s underwear, it’s “chest of drawers.”
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