91. Upmost vs. utmost
Most of the time, you mean utmost (with a T), which is to the highest degree; most extreme. (The utmost respect.) However, upmost (also uppermost) is actually a word, though it’s not frequently used in the U.S. or in this century. Back in the day, it referred to something situated at the top. (The upmost step of the ladder.)
92. Vehicle
The H is silent. It’s VEE-I-CUHL, not VEE-HI-CUHL.
93. Wary vs. weary
Wary means you’re suspicious. Weary means you’re tired. You can be both wary and weary of spiders, but if they scare you, use wary. It’s easy to remember because weary has an E (for exhausted).
94. Whatever
Definition: an exclamation used to indicate the listener’s annoyance with the speaker’s point or that they have no opinion or preference (slang)
It’s OK to use whatever as an appropriate adjective or pronoun (whatever the reason, whatever you do), but it’s best to avoid the slang version, especially as an expression of annoyance.
95. Whom
Definition: the objective case of the personal pronoun who
Many people think tossing whom into a sentence makes them sound smarter. But “whom” has a specific use in the English language.
96. Ya’ll/you all/yous
Definition: bastardization of the second person plural
Instead, just say “you.” Even if you mean a group of people.
97. You know
Definition: a phrase often tacked onto a statement soliciting the listeners agreement
It can be difficult for some people to converse with others who constantly solicit input. It’s best to make your statement. If they don’t know, they’ll ask questions.
98. Yummy
Definition: delicious, tasty
Perfectly acceptable in informal speaking or writing, but can come off as childish in a professional setting.
99. Zoned out
Definition: not paying attention, usually inadvertently allowing the mind to wander
Fine in informal speech, but stick with inattentive in a less formal situation.
100. Slang words of address
Definition: words that apply generically to an individual in place of his or her name
Avoid Dude, Bro, Dawg, Friend, Chica, etc.
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