31. Fewer vs. less
Fewer refers to quantity, or something that can be counted. (Jenny has fewer quarters than Sally.) Less implies mass, volume or amount. (Sally has less money than Jenny.)
32. Fixing to
Definition: slang meaning about to, going to (usually Southern)
The phrase is common in some dialects, but is nonetheless colloquial. Instead, use “about to” or “going to.”
33. Gay
Definition: cheerful or merry; homosexual
When referring to an object that’s cheerful or an openly gay male, this term is acceptable. Do not use it as a synonym for “lame.” It’s both potentially offensive and a misuse of the term.
34. Gazillion
Definition: an extremely large number; a lot
Technically, it’s not a nonsense word. It has its place (for example, when you know it’s a lot, but have no idea how many). But in discussions relating to business, it’s unprofessional and hyperbolic.
35. Ginormous
Definition: extremely huge
It can be a well-placed adjective in informal speech to make a point, but in a professional setting, it sounds juvenile. Try gargantuan instead.
36. Gobsmacked
Definition: astounded
While this word is most commonly used in the U.K. (it’s a fun one that’s making an appearance in the U.S.), it shouldn’t be avoided overall. But note that it’s not God-smacked.
37. Good
Definition: positive, pleasing
Good is a good word… unless you mean well. You do good work. (Adjective) You mean well. (Adverb)
38. Gots
Got is the past tense of get. At no time is there a reason for it to be plural.
39. Guess-timate
Definition: to estimate with little or no data
Guess-timation has no place in a serious conversation. It’s a fruitless exercise as it’s based on a total lack of information in the first place. If it’s based on knowledge, evidence or at least some data you have, it’s just an estimate.
40. Height
Definition: vertical length
You’ll note that there’s no H after the T. It’s HITE, not HITETH.
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