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100 Words that instantly make you sound dumber

81. Suit vs. suite

A suit is something you wear to work. If you mean a type of hotel room, use suite, which is pronounced SWEET.

82. Supposably vs. supposedly

The word is pronounced SUP-POZE-ED-LEE. Supposably (with a B) isn’t a word.

83. Sweet

Definition: awesome, great, wonderful (slang)

It’s OK to use this with your friends (that’s what slang is for), but there’s a generational gap with this word. You’re usually safe to say “cool” (though we’d imagine you could think of something better), but “sweet” is nonsensical to older generations and sounds a lot like “groovy” or “bogus” to younger ones.

84. Take for granite

It’s “take for granted.”

85. Than vs. then

Then is an adverb that refers to the time or order in which something will be done. (First, I’ll work out, and then I’ll run to the bank.) Unfortunately, many people substitute than, the comparative conjunction. (My boyfriend is hotter than your boyfriend.)

86. Thusly

Definition: a nonstandard variant of thus meaning in this way

It’s just not a word, though many writers and orators do use it for humorous effect.

87. Totally

Definition: completely

Avoid using it as slang. (You totally know what we mean!)

88. Towards vs. toward

Definition: in the direction of

There is no S on the end of this word. The same applies to backward and anyway.

89. Uh/um

Definition: an interjection commonly used when someone is unsure

If you need a minute to put your thoughts together, take it. Constant ums and uhs make you seem less authoritative and unprepared.

90. Unique

Definition: one of a kind

There’s nothing wrong with this word on it’s own, but it should never be modified with qualitative phrases like “pretty,” “really” or “rather.” You’re either unique or you’re not — there aren’t degrees.

Up Next: More words that instantly make you sound dumber

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