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Where to Put Your Vegetable Garden

The winter season is a great time to start planning for your spring garden. If this will be your first year as a green thumb, you may wonder where to put the garden.

The winter season is a great time to start planning for your spring garden. If this will be your first year as a green thumb, you may wonder where to put the garden. Garden location plays a major role in convenience and success of the hobby.

For convenience’s sake, place the garden in an area that’s relatively close to the home. This will be especially important when you need to bring your vegetable harvest indoors! Also remember that you want it near a water source, so you won’t need to haul buckets or invest in a longer hose. Breaking ground in a location near your tool shed will also save you the effort of lugging gardening tools far from the home.

Logistically speaking, you want a garden in an area that receives full sunlight all day long. At least 8 hours of sun daily is recommended for most vegetables. Plan for the garden to face south for maximum sunlight. During winter, watch your yard to see where shadows from walls and trees fall so you’ll have a better idea about your yard’s sunny spots.

The garden location should also be on level ground for watering and drainage purposes. Water will pool in gardens that are on low ground, and water rolls off of hills. Choose a flat area. If you don’t have flat ground, plan to level the terrain or build a raised bed garden before you plant.

Soil quality is another consideration for garden placement. You want to put the garden in the most fertile area, but determining soil fertility before planting can be challenging. Check the soil pH level to be sure it falls in the range for the vegetables you want to plant. Amend the soil with phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers to fix any deficiencies.

Do the garden planning from indoors during the winter, and when the temperature breaks you will be ready to dig in and start planting!

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