The Christmas cactus could very well be the second most popular houseplant of the holiday season, taking a backseat only to the poinsettia. These succulents have been kept as winter houseplants since the 1800s, and get their name because their flowers bloom during the Christmas holiday season.
The Christmas cactus could very well be the second most popular houseplant of the holiday season, taking a backseat only to the poinsettia. These succulents have been kept as winter houseplants since the 1800s, and get their name because their flowers bloom during the Christmas holiday season.
Christmas cactus is a member of the zygocactus family, native to Central and South America. These plants are normally available in stores starting in mid-October when they begin to produce vibrant pink and red blossoms. Although labeled a cactus, the Christmas cactus is more of a tropical houseplant than a true cactus and cannot go without water for long. Keep the plant in bright, indirect light and water it whenever the top inch of soil is dry to the touch.
Christmas cactus can survive multiple seasons when cared for properly. The cactus follows an unusual off-season routine, similar to poinsettia care. The houseplant should receive total darkness at night during fall months to ensure it will bloom come Christmas.
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