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Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding

Figgy pudding is a traditional Christmas dessert, and your guests “won’t go until they get some,” as the song goes. Figgy pudding (or fig pudding, if you please), has been around since the 19th century

Figgy pudding is a traditional Christmas dessert, and your guests “won’t go until they get some,” as the song goes. Figgy pudding (or fig pudding, if you please), has been around since the 19th century, when “puddings” were a popular dessert choice. Once you start to make it, you’ll find that figgy pudding isn’t really pudding at all!

Figgy pudding falls into the spice cake category. You can even use a box of spice cake or carrot cake mix as this recipe describes. You’ll need about 12 oz. of dried figs, which can come from the store or from your tree out back.

Although it’s not part of the traditional English recipe, I think it could be nice to throw in a variety of dried fruits, including dates, raisins or prunes. Anything that has a deep, sweet flavor and chewy texture will work best. Steer clear of apple and banana chips or tart fruits, like dried apricots.

If you want to make everything from scratch, skip the boxed cake mix and try this spice cake recipe. Every year going forward, your guests will demand homemade figgy pudding so “bring some out here!”

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

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