Fish emulsion is a concentrated organic fertilizer made from processed fish. The fish are cooked and pressed to release their oils, and some whole fish parts are blended into the solution.
Fish emulsion is a concentrated organic fertilizer made from processed fish. The fish are cooked and pressed to release their oils, and some whole fish parts are blended into the solution. A small amount of chemicals, including phosphoric acid, is added to make the product shelf-stable while maintaining its organic label.
Unlike other organic fertilizers which must decompose to release nutrients in the soil, fish emulsion is relatively fast acting. Mix 1 tablespoon of fish emulsion with 1 gallon of water for a liquid fertilizer to apply to ever 25 square feet of flower or vegetable garden every other week.You can spray the ground and the foliage with the solution.
Fish emulsion has a low salt content, so it is a good organic alternative for plants that are burned by the salinity of chemical fertilizers. It is, however, a relatively mild fertilizer, so it must be applied more often than stronger blends. Fish emulsion has a 5-3-3 NPK ratio, compared to higher phosporous and potassium ratios common in commercial blends. Mix fish emulsion with other organic products, such as seaweed emulsion, epsom salt or apple cider vinegar, to increase nutrient content.
By nature, fish emulsion is very stinky, but you can mix in a small amount of molasses to tone down the odor.
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