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Composting is easy with Compost Boost

Composting is one of the easiest ways for a gardener to get rich, earthy soil, but sometimes the process can take a long time, frustrating those new to composting.  Speed up the process by adding an active enzyme to help quickly break down your compost pile in record time.

Composting is one of the easiest ways for a gardener to get rich, earthy soil, but sometimes the process can take a long time, frustrating those new to composting.  Speed up the process by adding an active enzyme to help quickly break down your compost pile in record time.

Composting can be time consuming. Sure, adding kitchen scraps and yard waste to a compost pile is easy to do, but they should be added in certain quantities and ratios to ensure that the compost will break down correctly. There are certain items that should not be composted, such as meat and dairy. The pile also has to be regularly turned to get adequate air exposure which helps keep odor under control and reduces unwanted pests.

The turnaround time for a compost pile can vary depending on the geographic location and compost maintenance. Even the avid gardener can be hesitant to continue composting in the depths of winter. Fortunately there are products available to help make the composting process a little bit easier.

Compost Boost is a powerful and naturally occurring biocatalyst that helps eliminate odor and breaks down organic waste. It claims to significantly increase the performance of your compost bin, making it much easier to create the rich, dark compost much desired.

Benefits of using Compost Boost include:

  • Odor reduction
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  • Helps maintain nitrogen/carbon balances
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  • Discourages pests and rodents
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  • 100% natural and non-toxic

Making compost does not have to be a difficult process.  A gardener does not need to purchase an expensive compost bin or worry about attracting pests and rodents.  A natural activator like Compost Boost can help take the guessing game out of the science of composting, leaving gardeners more time to do what they love – get their hands dirty.

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