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Herbal Aromatherapy

Most people associate herb gardens with culinary herbs, but garden herbs can be just as useful in creating a romantic atmosphere with aromatherapyand essential oils. Research has shown an intriguing link between scents and arousal, and using fragrance to create romance has been popular since ancient times.

Most people associate herb gardens with culinary herbs, but garden herbs can be just as useful in creating a romantic atmosphere with aromatherapy and essential oils. Research has shown an intriguing link between scents and arousal, and using fragrance to create romance has been popular since ancient times.

With respect to your herb garden, you may not be able to light up the air with romance with the scent of basil and oregano, unless your sweetie is a sucker for Italian food. But there are herbs for every ailment, from fatigue to digestive issues to muscle pain.

The aromas of some herbs and flowers are considered to have romantic or relaxation properties, and several of these are easy enough to grow at home.

  • Chamomile: Often associated with tea, the soft, sweet scent of chamomile is a stress reliever. Use flower petals to create essential oil.
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  • Lemongrass: Lemongrass has a delicate citrus smellthat reduces fatigue and encourages emotional well-being. Create essential oil from the stalks.
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  • Lavender: Fresh and potent, the scent of lavender has a relaxing, mood balancing effect. Create essential oil from the flowers, leaves and stem.
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  • Geranium: Floral-scented and fresh, geranium’s aroma has anti-anxiety effects. Use petals to make essential oil.
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  • Rose: The scent of roses is said to invoke feelings of relaxation, happiness and hope. Essential oil is created from the petals.

Aromatherapy uses scents, either in the air or applied to the body through massage, to achieve these calming effects. Diffusers and dried herb potpourri are practical ways to introduce the scents to the air, while a few drops of an essential oil added to a neutral massage oil will work for an aromatherapy massage.

You can purchase essential oils for aromatherapy in natural food stores, skin care stores or online. You can also make your own essential oils from the herbs in your garden; however, it is a bit complicated because you must use a distiller to create oil from the plants. The process itself isn’t terribly difficult, but distillers can be expensive. If you know a thing or two about distilling, you can certainly make your own distiller with some household items.

Whether you make them yourself or buy them, get separate oils for each herb; they can be blended together later to create the desired scents and effects.

How to make lavender essential oil with a distiller:

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