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Recycled Bottle Bird Feeder

Craft projects that reuse items, like bottles and cans, are an excellent way to teach children about recycling. For Earth Day, try making a bird feeder from an empty plastic bottle.

Craft projects that reuse items, like bottles and cans, are an excellent way to teach children about recycling. For Earth Day, try making a bird feeder from an empty plastic bottle.

To begin, you’ll need an empty plastic bottle. Any type will work, from 2-liter soda bottles, to milk jugs to water bottles. Don’t feel that you need to wait for something special; the whole idea of this Earth Day project is using what’s on hand.

Carefully cut a hole near the middle of the bottle; it doesn’t need to be very big, at least large enough for a bird’s beak to enter and eat. When the feeder is filled with bird food, the weight of the food will keep the seeds from dropping out the holes.

You can slide a dowel through the bottle underneath the hole to create a perch that sticks out on both sides of the bottle, or the feeding hole itself could provide a spot for the bird to perch (like in the video below). Use a piece of wire or twine wrapped around the neck of the bottle to create a hanger so you can hang your recycled bird feeder from a tree in your yard or garden.

How to make a simple bird feeder from a plastic bottle:


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