A resurrection garden is an ideal way to show children the spiritual meaning of Easter as opposed to the more commercial Easter celebration. Decorate a garden complete with Jesus’ tomb, and celebrate together on Sunday when you find the tomb is empty!
A resurrection garden is an ideal way to show children the spiritual meaning of Easter as opposed to the more commercial Easter celebration. Decorate a garden complete with Jesus’ tomb, and celebrate together on Sunday when you find the tomb is empty!
Use a pie plate or other shallow dish as the base for your garden. Fill the container with potting soil, then add a small pot on its side to look like a tomb. Transplant small plants and mosses around the tomb to create a garden scene. You can even add pebbles to create a path to the tomb’s entrance. There are excellent photo examples at Impress Your Kids and Happy Home Fairy.
On Good Friday, wrap a toy figure in paper or cloth to symbolize Jesus’ body, and have your children place it in the tomb. Place a large stone or cover in front of the tomb entrance. Read the Gospel account of the crucifixion with your children to explain what has happened.
On Sunday morning, before the children wake up, remove the toy Jesus from the tomb and add fresh colorful flowers to the garden. When the children see that He is risen, celebrate by reading about the Resurrection and enjoying a happy Easter Sunday together.
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