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Natural Bug Repellents

During the dog days of summer, you not only want to protect your plants from pests but protect yourself as well. So many insects feed on human blood, and their bites can cause an itchy, welty situation and potentially spread diseases. Keep those bugs away from you naturally.

During the dog days of summer, you not only want to protect your plants from pests but protect yourself as well. So many insects feed on human blood, and their bites can cause an itchy, welty situation and potentially spread diseases. Keep those bugs away from you naturally.

DEET is the commonly used pest repellent to deter mosquitoes, ticks, blackflies, noseeums and other flying pests you’ll encounter outdoors. While DEET is effective, you may prefer a more natural approach, especially when you’re applying it to your skin. Here are some ideas:

  • From a dietary standpoint, you can drink a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar and eat plenty of garlic. Vitamin B1 taken daily is also supposed to help repel insects.
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  • Combine several drops of essential oil (lavender, rose, geranium, coriander and/or peppermint) with 2 Tbsp vegetable oil and a bit of aloe vera gel. Blend the ingredients to make a natural bug repellent lotion.
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  • Mix one part garlic juice with five parts water. Put the solution in a spray bottle for a spray-on repellent.

In addition to making natural solutions to keep bugs away, you can make yourself less attractive to bugs by limiting the use of scented shampoos, lotions and perfumes when you go outside.

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