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Fun Insect Facts

If you garden, learning to appreciate insects is a natural progression. Even if you’re not wild about bugs, you must admit that they can do some pretty amazing things despite their size. Gain a whole new respect for the insects you see (or don’t see!) every day with these insect fun facts!

If you garden, learning to appreciate insects is a natural progression. Even if you’re not wild about bugs, you must admit that they can do some pretty amazing things despite their size. Gain a whole new respect for the insects you see (or don’t see!) every day with these insect fun facts!

Insect trivia:

  1. Ladybugs are the most commonly used form of biological pest control because one adult ladybug can eat as many as 50 aphids every day!
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  3. Dragonflies can fly at speeds up to 30 miles per hour.
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  5. The female preying mantis eats the head off the male mantis just after mating. Entomologists believe this provides her with a big boost of nutrition to produce her eggs.
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  7. Ants are able to lift and carry more than three times their own weight.
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  9. Only female mosquitoes bite humans.
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  11. Houseflies have tastebuds located on their feet.
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  13. A spider’s skeleton is located on the outside of its body.
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  15. Each year, insects eat one-third of the Earth’s food crop.
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  17. Mosquitoes dislike citronella because it irritates their feet.
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  19. 95 percent of all animal species on earth are insects!

Let’s not forget about bees. Visit here for Bee Fun Facts>>>

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