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Mashed Cauliflower

My cauliflower is almost ready to harvest. Here in sunny Arizona, I’m fortunate to grow my winter vegetables in what would truly be the dead of winter somewhere else in the country. For a fresh take on using one of my favorite garden vegetables, try mashing as a health-conscious substitution for potatoes.

My cauliflower is almost ready to harvest. Here in sunny Arizona, I’m fortunate to grow my winter vegetables in what would truly be the dead of winter somewhere else in the country. For a fresh take on using one of my favorite garden vegetables, try mashing as a health-conscious substitution for potatoes.

In order to achieve great mashed cauliflower results, you’ll need to cook the heck out of it. Steam it until it falls apart, or boil the cauliflower head for around 10 minutes. When it’s fully cooked, remove the water and mash the cauliflower with a potato masher. The consistency will not be exactly like a mashed potato because of the tiny florets; think of it more like “smashed” potatoes.

To get the mash to the consistency you like, add chicken or vegetable stock to cream it up. Add the liquid slowly to avoid a runny texture. If calories are no concern, add a touch of heavy cream to richen the side dish. Cheese is a great addition to add flavor and texture. Enjoy!

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