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What to do with leftover pumpkins

With the peak pumpkin season now over, you might be wondering what you should do with any leftover pumpkins you still have around your abode. Before you toss them into the garbage, check out these ideas.

With the peak pumpkin season now over, you might be wondering what you should do with any leftover pumpkins you still have around your abode. Before you toss them into the garbage, check out these ideas.

Chances are your jack-o-lantern’s were trashed a few weeks ago, but if you decorated with whole pumpkins and gourds for Thanksgiving like I did, you’re probably wondering what to do with all of them now that it’s time to start busting out the Christmas decor.

Here are some ideas:

Roast the seeds

If the pumpkin is still in good condition, consider scooping out the pulp and roasting the seeds for a nutritious snack. Simply rinse out the seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp. Place the seeds on a oiled baking sheet in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 325 degrees until toasted (about 25 minutes). Check and stir seeds after 10 minutes.


If the pumpkin or squash is free from blemishes and still firm, scoop out the pulp and try a few recipes like:

Homemade pumpkin pie
Boozy pumpkin pie milkshake
Crockpot pumpkin butter
Pumpkin fluff dip inside a pumpkin 

Make a candle

Turn your mini pumpkins and gourds into custom candles. Learn how to make a DIY mini pumpkin candle.

DIY pumpkin facial mask

Let the holiday stress melt away with a pumpkin facial mask you can concoct in your own kitchen.

Host a pumpkin chunkin party

While most official pumpkin chunkin events are traditionally held the weekend after Halloween, you can still host an informal version in your own backyard. Gather round family and friends and see who can toss the pumpkins the furthest either by hand or rigging up a device. You’re guaranteed to have a good laugh.

Attract wildlife

Are you a nature lover? Cut up some old pumpkins and put them out in the backyard to attract animals (just make sure you are attracting the right kind of critters).

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