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17 Gifts You Can Literally Give to Anyone (That Aren’t Scented Candles)

‘Tis the season to procrastinate.

If you aren’t even close to finishing your holiday shopping — let alone have even thought about what to give everyone on your ever-growing list — you are far from alone, my friend.

According to a survey conducted by delivery service Dropoff, over 75 percent of the more than 2,000 consumers surveyed plan to do last-minute shopping. That’s a 15 percent increase compared to their 2017 survey results.

And with online sites like Amazon offering faster shipping at sometimes lower or discounted rates, why not wait?

While physically getting the gift to your front door in a timely manner isn’t an issue these days, there’s still the question of what the heck to pick up for the office white elephant. Or my boyfriend’s sister. Or even my neighbor.

Let’s face it: There are just some people you don’t know well enough to get a personalized gift.

That’s where this list of gifts you can give literally anyone comes in. From day-to-day essentials to kitchen items everyone uses, these 17 gifts will do the trick.

Oh, and no, you won’t find any candles here.

Thanks, SNL and Emma Stone, for calling all of us lazy asses out two years ago.

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