To celebrate moms and the important lessons they teach us, we asked our Experts to share favorite pieces of advice from their own moms.
Amanda Rodriguez
My mother has had to face a number of adversities and has done so with an iron will and a straight face. Her resolve has always been beautiful and inspiring to me and has always encouraged me to stand by my beliefs and not allow others to dissuade me.
Christina Farrell
This advice has calmed me and guided me throughout my life and mainly in my work. In my competitive field I am able to focus on her words and realize that my success will come when it is supposed to, and to not look at others’ success as a lack of mine. We each have our moments in the spotlight.
Dani Fiori
My Mom has been saying “onward and upward” to me and my brother since we were little kids. It’s a very simple little phrase, but it reminds me to always do my best and to constantly keep moving forward in life. In times of sadness, it is has become a phrase of comfort. In times of struggle, a rallying cry. Thanks to her and the years that have allowed this phrase to sink in, I know that the choice to move “onward and upward” is always within reach.
Danielle Smith
I’m lucky to have her. I almost lost her when I was 18 and that was part of the conversation we had when she went in for surgery.
Deborah Cruz
It sounds simple enough, but because of her telling me that all the time, I truly believe that there is nothing that I can’t do. I can do anything I set my mind to as long as I am willing to put the work in to achieve it. My mom made me unstoppable. I’m teaching my daughters the same thing. I hope it sticks.
Deborah Stallings Stumm
Material things are short-term “rewards” in life. Hands-on experiences, time shared together and family adventures make memories that last a lifetime!
Donna D’Andrea
All of the advice my mom has given me over the years has guided me through life, but this particular piece of wisdom is something I live by each day. Trusting my intuition has taught me a lot about others and myself, instilling a deeper confidence in my convictions and empowering my soul.
Dr. Cooper Lawrence
This is clearly where I get my sense of humor from, right? So, the lesson is two-fold. To always have a sense of humor but also, even on those days where you may not be feeling your best inside, try. Put on some lipstick, walk out the door and just give it a try.
Dr. Pragati Gusmano
This simple piece of advice reminds me to live life to the fullest. To travel often, to have adventures and most importantly, to live without regrets. I’ve taken some of the best trips of my life because of these words.
Elli Bishop
It’s so easy to make first impressions based on appearances, but if you take a look at the qualities that make up a great friendship or relationship, the adjectives used to describe its value to you and impact on your life have nothing to do physical aesthetics. It has everything to do with the beauty of what they’ve shared with you and how they’ve enriched your life, from the inside out.
Estelle Erasmus
I live this advice because I try to remember that the more women who are successful, the better it is for all women. I try not to compete, but to support others and let their achievements spur me on to better myself.
Heather Hopson
Sometimes we as women try to force things — force a relationship, force a career, force a change. But the more we push in the wrong direction, the more exhausted we become. When we’re honest with ourselves, things fall into place. We’re eventually at peace.
Julia Christensen
As a perpetual worrier, this is a phrase I have heard my mother say countless times. These words apply to so many occasions and instances, and I am glad to have them pop into my head so often.
Katie Bressack
The older I get the more in awe I am of my mother. She had three children, worked full time and was always at every field hockey game cheering me on. Through it all my mom was always so calm and supportive. The best piece of advice was not spoken, but through her actions I learned kindness and calmness. Even now, when I’m having one of those days, a call to my mom always grounds me and reminds me to stay calm and not get all dramatic about things that I can’t control.
Laura Rossi
My mom is my biggest cheerleader and supporter. This advice reminds me on a daily basis to live in the moment and to be present. Staying in the now has served me so well as a mom of twins, a working mom and a wife, woman, sister, friend and daughter, but most of all as a mom myself. Adopting her “this too shall pass” philosophy has made me happier, and best of all when I think of this advice I think of my mom and feel like she’s with me even when we are miles away. She’s the best and I love her so much.
Limor Suss
This is my favorite piece of advice because it’s helped me find solutions instead of just focusing on problems. She’s right, things always work out, maybe not the way you imagined, but sometimes for the better.
Crystal Granderson-Reid
Lisa Helfend Meyer
Unfortunately I didn’t listen!
Lori Pace
This is my favorite piece of advice because it reminds me that no matter the situation, there is always more to a person than what I see. It makes me want to really get to know them, which has allowed me to meet some amazing people!
Maaria Mozaffar
This one has been a mantra for me in my personal and professional life. My mom taught me very early that you cannot wait and persuade everyone to see things your way. Sometimes you have to just do. Instead of spending endless hours, days hoping that someone will agree with you, take the lead unapologetically. In my professional and personal life, I stay committed to doing things that are good to myself, because I know that when I am happy I can make others happy infinitely more. In the end that is why we are here, right? To make this world a better place for others.
Maria Provenzano
This simple quote has impacted my daily life ever since I was little. In any moment of self doubt I recite this to myself and remember that I will always have someone there who believes I can do anything. Knowing that my mom believes in me helps me to believe in myself in every single aspect of my life, from work to parenting.
Meredith Spidel
The thing is, in this life, we aren’t guaranteed success or even that things will go well. All we can do is give each situation the best of ourselves and trust God for the rest. One step in front of the other!
Paula Moulton
My mom is 82 years old and I always call her when I need help and words of wisdom. I have had to forgive many people (including myself) in my life and this is what she reminds me about forgiveness.
Phoebe Fox
Among all my mom’s truly wise counsel, this one has impacted me the most. We can choose to be happy, no matter what path our lives may take.
Rachael Yahne
She taught me to be true to myself, to be fearlessly expressive and to share who I really am with the world in all I do. She was my greatest ally during my chemo for cancer. When I lost my hair, she showed me that true beauty comes from somewhere deep within. Because of her, I now see beauty and wonder in everything, and I try to share that through my blog about life after cancer.
Ranee Kaur Banerjee
All my life, I’ve asked “why” too much and too often — curious whys, incomprehending whys, whining, railing, angry whys. Mom said questions assume there is an answer, a logic, some reason that we will understand, some scheme or pattern we are intelligent enough to fathom. She used to say one day I’d understand that every “why” didn’t need an answer. Some things just are. I think I sort of get it now…
Rania Batayneh
Life has its ups and downs. What people say affects us and can instantly ruin our day and/or our moods. My mom’s advice encourages me to stay strong and to not allow anyone to take my happiness away from me. She also reminds me often over the phone to keep a smile on my face. When you smile you naturally feel better! It’s true. Try it. Don’t let anyone steal the joy from your heart. Focus on the positives in life and you will see that they will outweigh the negatives.
Stacie Buckley
Though I have been happily married for almost 14 years, I still count on my girlfriends and am thankful for my village near and far. Don’t get me wrong: I love spending time alone with my husband or my family. But I also treasure my girls’ weekends, nights out, walks, coffees and chats. My friends are a source of support, comfort and inspiration. I’m glad my mom taught me that lesson early because some of these treasured friends have known me since I was so young — and that’s a gift too! You just should never shut yourself off from the people who help you be your best you.
Victoria Austin
This advice is my favorite because it’s positive and reminds me to enjoy life.
Vidya Sury
As a single parent, life was tough for my mom. Yet, she was always smiling and kind and taught by example that belief in self is the greatest motivator for a fulfilling life. Today, I am living it in many ways. Thank you, Mom!
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