Happy fall, sweet signs. We just celebrated the autumn equinox, and the transition to fall is now COMPLETE. We are fully here, and if my internet shopping cart is indicative of anything—we’re all ready to wear sweaters that double as blankets. Like, winter-lite, you know? Anyways, October. It’s here. The time to panic about Halloween costumes is in about two weeks, but don’t worry: I’m going to be Pikachu. It’s also Libra season, and what that means in your October 2019 horoscope is this is the time to relax a little bit, enjoy time with friends and family and welcome a little more balance and leisure into your life.
Libra season also encourages us to look at the world a little more equitably. What is just and fair? So often we let ourselves be fueled by our own wants and desires without really looking at the bigger picture or impact. For instance, perhaps we should shop less fast fashion and more sustainable and ethical fashion—even if that sequin top that I know I’ll probably wear only once costs $30 while a basic tee made from recycled materials costs $75. I may want that sequin top, but do I really want it, considering its impact on this earth? (The answer is no.)
So, how do we balance our feelings with what is right and just? It’s a conversation I have with my students almost daily. And here’s the simple truth: It is really, really hard, and there is usually always room for improvement.
Something that will help all the signs this month (and beyond) is to remember that feelings aren’t facts. Just because someone was being unfair and made you sad doesn’t mean that that their criticism is now an indisputable truth. The best way to regulate our feelings and make sure we don’t become huge, scary monsters is to be mindful of our thoughts. If we can reach and change our thoughts before they become emotionally charged, we have a better chance at avoiding knee-jerk reactions or unnecessary conflict.
Focusing on our thoughts and reflecting on what we spend time thinking about actually gives us more mental space. It gives us room to be imperfect without judgement, which is something we all desperately need. This October, all signs would do well to remind themselves that your thoughts determine your feelings. And if you want to be happier, that’s where you should start.
This story was originally published on Stylecaster.
This month will reward you for your integrity. Remember: The mark of our integrity is not how we act when things are going well; instead, it is how we act when things don’t go our way. You can sometimes get impatient, and while it stems from a good place (you like finishing things! Accomplishment!), getting irritated with yourself or others won’t make anyone move any faster or do better work.
Given that there will be a full moon in Taurus on Oct. 24, you should be feeling the love this month. Life will slow down closer to the end of the month, but until then, you may be in the thick of all your obligations. Know that relief is coming and be sure to schedule some down time whenever possible.
This month is scary stuff for you, Gemini. It’s time for you to face your fears head on—whatever they may be. Just taking the first step towards finding a strategy (communicating more compassionately, breaking up with a lackluster partner, handling conflict at work, etc.) will give you more peace than avoidance ever will. Be uncomfortable now so that you can be happy later.
Our brain works like our muscles. If we don’t work out or challenge it in new and exciting ways, it begins its atrophy process. It’s a slow process, and one that isn’t always immediately visible, but the effects can make you feel fuzzy and blehhhh. This October is the time for you to seek out mental stimulation—play board games, take a class, read a non-fiction book, etc. Learning will help you wake up and add more vigor to your day. So, what do you want to learn?
This October is all about your professional growth, Leo. Choose ONE area to focus on and dig in. You are a hardworking sign. And sometimes in our desire to excel, we try to do everything. It’s better to do a few things really, really well than do a whole bunch of shoddy work, racing around trying to fix our mistakes. So maybe just work on managing your inbox for now. Start small.
This will be a creative month for you, sweet Virgo. Give yourself time (and permission) to paint, write, draw, cook or do whatever creative pursuit that brings you the most joy. This is good, deep work for your emotional well-being. Prioritize it! Start by turning off your computer/TV/phone and just sitting down with yourself. See what happens.
Happy birthday, Libra! This October will be all about balance as you navigate birthday celebrations and figuring out how to do another rotation around the sun. The thing we don’t talk about enough is that balance looks different for everyone—some people need more alone time, while others need more structured time for work. Whatever it is you need, give it to yourself without guilt.
Invest in self-development this October—whatever that may be. A personal trainer, a new class, a new wardrobe, a project, a vacation. Self-development as a marketplace is definitely a gigantic money pit full of charlatans, but the concept itself is solid. Investing in your career, future, happiness, and health will always give you dividends.
I know how hard it is to ask for what you’re worth—whether that be a raise or just some respect—but it’s absolutely crucial. This month, instead of doing more more more, start asking for that same treatment from others. It’s okay if it makes you uncomfortable to ask. All you need is a few minutes of courage and to trust that you are worth it.
This October, seek guidance from trusted friends and mentors regarding your work and personal life. Sometimes a more removed perspective from someone who loves and appreciates you can be life changing. But there is always a step two to seeking guidance: Receive it, and then, ultimately, make your own choices. You aren’t required to take anyone’s advice. And lliving by committee is a great way to be forever unhappy. So get the information you need, and then follow your own instincts.
Be cautious with money this season, as you may have big expenses coming up (car trouble, a big purchase, housing issues, illness, etc.). Challenge yourself to spend a little less than you did last month and save whatever you can. It’s not about saying no to things that make you happy, but rather understanding that the delayed gratification that comes from having financial security is probably more fulfilling than getting Chipotle twice a week.
Your relationship is heating up this month, Pisces, and it’s likely that your partner wants more. Maybe it’s commitment, to break up, a new couch, or for you to put your clothes in the hamper—whatever. Just try and be compassionate regarding you and your partner’s decision moving forward. And here’s some advice that’s always good: If you want to be heard, make sure that you, yourself, are listening, too.
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