It’s not always easy being a lady with tattoos, especially in the workplace. Although tattoos are becoming more acceptable in professional spaces, outdated ideas about the “types” of people who have tattoos can bring out nasty comments and even lost jobs.
We asked 20 women from all types of professions what it’s like being a tattooed woman and how it has affected their careers, for better or worse.
41, Digital marketer
Favorite tattoo: “This tattoo is a nod to the black Madonna. She’s an eternal international mother figure, and the tat symbolizes my eternal love for my boys. I’m staying with them forever and a day!”
Do you regret any of your tattoos? “No.”
Did you have the tattoo before or after you got a job? “Before.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Depends on the season! When it’s hot, they are visible.”
35, Editor at Natural Hazards Observer, Natural Hazards Center
Favorite tattoo? “My two favorite tattoos are also my most recent ones. A lily and a bird, both done by my husband, Danny Sabella, who is a tattoo artist at Lone Wolf in Bellmore. In many ways my tattoos represent my journey through time and place. A journey that led me from the Netherlands to England, back to the Netherlands and finally to the United States. I had tattoos done in each of these countries. From now outdated tribals to beautiful American traditional tattoos that will pass the test of time.”
How do you handle the job market with your tattoos? “I’ve always covered up my tattoos during job interviews, but once I got the job, I wouldn’t keep them hidden for long. So far all my employers responded positively. In fact, I remember that my first boss always encouraged me to wear short sleeves whenever we would have a meeting with clients because he wanted his company to have an ‘edge.’ He liked having a doctor — I have a PhD in history — with tattoos on his team. The academic world I move in today, as opposed to the corporate world, is pretty laid back when it comes to appearance. We don’t have a dress code, and many of my colleagues — some of them are highly esteemed academics — have tattoos. I guess that tattoos are the new tweed jackets with elbow patches.”
Do you regret any of your tattoos? “I don’t regret any of my tattoos. They are almost like old photographs. We might be embarrassed about those pictures taken in the early nineties, wearing dorky high-waisted white-washed jeans and donning a questionable perm, but we would never throw these photographs away. After all, they remind us of a certain time. The same thing counts for my tattoos. I would never have a tribal or Celtic tattoo today, but when I had mine done, they were all the rage. My motto is: Don’t cover anything up, just have more tattoos.”
44, Artist and journalist
Favorite tattoo: “I am probably fondest of the Durga tattoo on my back. I have always been attracted to the images in Indian mythology, and Durga is a particular favorite. She is described as ‘organizer of the universe,’ and she rules motherhood and other tasks that ‘only women can do.’ The Durga image was inked onto me by a female artist at an all-woman tattoo shop in San Francisco, which used to be right by Red Dora’s Bearded Lady.”
Did you get your tattoos before or after you started your career? “I got my first ink shortly after moving to San Francisco at age 22, so I’ve been tattooed for much of my working life.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “My tattoos are often visible at work, but I tend to wear long sleeves in the office because the AC is always on. There are a couple of people at my current job with more ink than me, including a senior photo editor.”
See Sharilyn’s artwork and follow her on Instagram.
30, Bartender, aspiring fashion designer
Any meaningful stories about your tattoos? “My most recent tattoo is on the back of my calf, and I got it in memory of my father who passed in 2011. It is a heart-shaped lock with a key symbolizing he will forever be in my heart.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Every day.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “Not that I’m aware of. I did get in trouble once for not asking my manager before I got a new prominent tattoo on my wrist. But I live by the philosophy that if someone is going to judge me by my appearance and not my credentials, I’d rather not work there anyways.”
35, Business development director for a start-up
Favorite tattoo? “I have several tattoos by Robert Ryan from Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park. I really cannot pick a favorite. Besides absolutely adoring his aesthetic and passion for his work and life in general, I lived in Asbury Park for six years and getting tattooed is a great excuse to visit all of my Jersey friends!”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “My arms are usually visible whenever I am in the office. I wear long sleeves to client meetings since I never know what kind of corporate culture the people I am meeting with are used to.”
27, Computer wizard
Favorite tattoo? “The ugliest tattoo I have, on my wrist. It says: ‘Buried in my blood to rest.’ A genetic tombstone for my mother (who passed away when I was 5 from cancer) representing the amazing genetics she’s left behind for me (she, too, was a computer wizard.)”
Any tattoos you regret or will be removing? “Yes! Stupid Chinese symbol on the back of my neck that I got when I was a teen out with the girls and means absolutely not what I thought it meant.”
Did you have tattoos before you started your career? “I had all of my visible tattoos before I began working in my profession.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Almost every day. Except when it’s cold and I need a sweater.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “No.”
Timeless, culture critic
What’s the meaning of your lotus flower? “I wanted to find a way to honor how I deal with their loss, and lotus flowers made the most sense.”
Did you have tattoos before or after you started your career? “I got my first tattoo while teaching in D.C. My most obvious piece came after my grandmother and father died in the same year.”
How often are your tattoos visible? “Every day.”
Have your tattoos ever cost you a job opportunity? “Nope. Media experts are the hipsters of corporate America. The world loves us now!”
Grace of Spades
25, DJ/event and social media coordinator
Favorite tattoo: “I love my salt shaker. I got it with a couple girlfriends because we are salty b******! The most prominent one is probably my old record player – which is self-explanatory… I love music, and I love my records! I also have my friend’s mustache on my ankle, which has more of a hidden meaning: I got it when some friends of ours were in jail under false accusations, and my buddy was doing tattoos to help pay for their lawyer fees.”
Have your tattoos ever kept you from getting a job? “I started getting tattoos just before my 18th birthday, when I already had a particular job. Since then I’ve been hired again and again with more and more tattoos! My tattoos are often visible at work, unless it’s winter time. I don’t think I tend to go for jobs that wouldn’t allow tattoos, but I’m sure I’ve lost out on a few opportunities where they just didn’t say anything about them. It’s always hard to gauge who will care and who won’t when I’m going on job interviews.”
41, Pinup shop owner
Favorite tattoo: “The one on my forearm. It is a horseshoe with my store logo in the middle (cherry dice). The horseshoe for luck around the logo to symbolize longevity and good fortune for the store. My first tattoo was at the age of 16.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Every day, it’s pretty hard to cover up, not that I would want to.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “Never, it’s all in the confidence you wear.”
24, Film maker and pinup model
Favorite tattoo: “The sunflower that I got years ago on my shoulder. It’s my favorite because as I was growing up, my family and I had a garden in the Lower East Side (we still have it), and I would plant sunflowers. To me it’s a symbol of growth and aspiration.”
Did you have the tattoo before or after you got the job? “I got the tattoo before I got the job I am in now, but then again, that specific part of my body is easy to hide. I also work for a company that embraces individuality, so I think I’m OK for now.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Always! I wear short sleeves, especially now when the weather is getting warmer.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “Nope. That’s why I’m sticking to a career where I can be myself and strut my tattoos daily!”
Favorite tattoo? “My favorite tattoo is of my favorite singer, Irma Thomas, and a line from one of her songs, ‘Haven’t got Time to Cry.’ Because I don’t. It reminds me to keep moving forward.”
Did you have the tattoo before or after you got a job? “Before.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Every day. I have one on my shoulder/chest that’s often visible, and my thigh tattoo is visible sometimes. We have a lot of families in the neighborhood, and when the kids come in, they like to ask me about them. It’s cute.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “Before my current job, I was a wine sales rep in Texas, and I definitely think I lost potential accounts because of their perception of tattoos.”
20, Hairstylist, makeup artist and model
Favorite tattoo: “I recently finished up a tattoo on my leg. It’s a huge portrait of Edward Scissorhands in a mirror, and the mirror handle is actually my hand holding a pair of scissors. It looks really nice, and I always loved the story behind Edward Scissorhands. It just happens to tie into the fact that I love doing hair!”
Did you have tattoos before you started your career? “I had plenty of tattoos when I first got my job at the salon.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “The tattoo on my chest is visible almost every day.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “Many modeling jobs won’t want to hire you if you have a tattoo, so if they deny me, I usually figure I didn’t want to work with them anyhow.”
Follow Mikki on Instagram and Facebook.
36, Stylist. Hair extension specialist. Stay-at-home mom.
Favorite tattoo: “The ones on my forearms. When you put them together, they create a full image — feminine/masculine within a heart.”
Did you have tattoos before your career? “Yes. They did get larger as time went by. I work in a creative field, so the tattoos never got in the way. They made for great conversation.”
27, Holistic health coach
Favorite tattoo: “I think that the most obvious tattoo would be my shoulder tattoo of carnations. It was my grandmother’s favorite flower. I spent most of my early childhood with her while my parents worked late to make ends meet. But all of them have some sort of significance — big or small.”
How often are your tattoos visible? “I would say the shoulder tattoo is out 50% of the time, but I don’t make an effort to hide it. My hip tattoo is usually tucked away, finger tattoo sometimes gets remarks and my inner lip tattoo never sees the light of day.”
Have your tattoos ever cost you a job opportunity? “I don’t think I was ever denied a job due to my tattoos.”
32, Office manager and freelance photographer
Favorite tattoo? “My first tattoo is a sunflower. My cousin and I got matching ones for our grandma.”
Do you regret any of your tattoos? “Nope!”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “Nearly every day during non-winter months.”
23, Patient care technician and research assistant
Favorite tattoo: “My favorite tattoos are both of the girls I have on my feet. I have a Rosie the Riveter tattoo and a pinup style nurse tattoo. They both signify strength, beauty and female empowerment. The nurse is special to me for many reasons. It was my first, and it represents my mom to me. I wanted her to have dark hair and green eyes like my mom, and I also always wanted to be a nurse, even though I am not an RN yet.”
Did you have the tattoo before you started your job? “I did have the tattoo before I got my current job as a PCT.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “My uniform keeps my tattoos hidden, so they are not visible.”
Have your tattoos ever lost you a job opportunity? “To my knowledge my tattoos have never caused me to lose a job opportunity, but they are placed in areas that are not usually visible during a job interview. I used to wear closed shoes that would not show my tattoos when I was in professional situations. However, as I get older it is less important for me to hide them and more important to me that my job accepts them and doesn’t expect me to hide them.”
36, Social worker at a housing program for people with severe and persistent psychiatric disabilities, and freelance writer and novelist.
Favorite tattoo? “My favorite tattoo is the one I got when I was 16, my very first one. It is simply the word ‘Beautiful.’ It took me until I was in my 30s to believe I was truly beautiful, and I think I got the tattoo early on as a symbol of hope that one day I’d feel it. I was going to get ‘Delicious,’ but my mom talked me out of it.”
Did you have tattoos before you started your career? “I have 11 tattoos and I’ve always been tatted when I’ve interviewed. I’ve never gone out of my way to cover them up either. They’re part of who I am. If I’m not hired for having visible tattoos, I’m not sure I’d want to work there anyway.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “All of the time. I have two on my legs, and I wear a lot of skirts. I have three on my arms, and I wear a lot of sleeveless tops.”
Have your tattoos ever caused you to lose a job opportunity? “No. Every job I’ve interviewed for, I’ve been offered.”
Any tattoos you regret? “Oh yes! I have one that I shared with my ex-husband, and I plan to have it covered up this summer, finally.”
53, Veterinarian
What’s your favorite tattoo? “I would say my ankle band is my favorite, the characters are beautiful, I wish I could see it better. The paw prints represent the human/animal bond, so that goes along with my profession. I also have a band of Chinese characters around my left ankle of the zodiac, the animals that represent each year, so again animals, and my kids were adopted from China and Vietnam.”
What do people think about your tattoos? “My wrist band is highly visible, and my clients tend to appreciate it, and yes, I have gotten jobs with it.”
Katie F.
31, Electro-mechanical assembly
Favorite tattoo? “The steel-jacketed heart inside my left wrist. It’s one of my most visible tattoos, yet at the same time, it’s not very noticeable to some people. I chose the design and placement because it is a combination of two metaphors: Wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve, and stealing one’s heart (the former tends to yield the latter).”
Did you have your tattoos before you started your job? “I got all but one of my tattoos after I started working at my current job. Since I work on the production floor, the dress code is more for safety (i.e., close-toed shoes, no extremely loose clothing), and tattoos and piercings (which I also have) are acceptable.”
How often are your tattoos visible at work? “I generally wear short-sleeve shirts at work, so some of my tattoos are always visible.”
Have you ever lost a job opportunity because of your tattoos? “Since I got most of my tattoos after getting hired at my current job, I haven’t experienced losing a job opportunity because of them. I recently applied for a new position with my employer that would require me to work in the office area, so time will tell.”
29, Screenprinter and artist
Favorite tattoo: “My favorite tattoo has to be my very first one. It says ‘BROOKLYN’ across the top of my back in traditional old English letters. After much begging, my saint mother caved and made my punk-rock teenage dreams come true and gave me some $$$ towards a tattoo on my 18th bday. It was an awesome thing to do. I knew no matter what I chose to look like, my folks were gonna support it. I acquired a lot of tattoos very quickly because a lot of my tattoo artist friends gotta eat, and we are all in this hustle together. I like to decorate my friends, too. But I do it with T-shirts!”
What does your industry think of tattoos? “I guess I would identify myself as some sort of ‘shoppie’ someone who works at a shop with machines. When people see a man working on a machine, it doesn’t even register if he has tattoos or not. Being a woman on a machine is shocking enough! Finding my place inside this industry and being confident that everything that makes me weird and happy and different will, in turn, allow me to actively participate in the art and fashion community I’ve given my blood, sweat and tears to for the last 10 years is its own reward!”
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