There are what seems like a record number of Republican presidential primary candidates this year, and while Donald Trump is currently leading the polls, as anyone who’s ever watched election coverage before knows, that can change on a dime — all it takes is a disastrous turn of phrase, a serious scandal and the weeding out of other competitors as they begin to realize they’ll never pick up traction (sending their voters to other candidates).
But just because they’re all Republicans doesn’t mean they all have the same ideas or plan for America’s future. Take a look at this quick guide to the major 2016 Republican contenders.
Donald Trump
Having been in the public eye for quite some time based on his well-known business career, 15 books and the shows The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice, much is known about Trump, but few realize he’s the grandfather to seven.
Wants to institute massive tariffs on products made outside the country in places like China, Mexico and Japan and sold in the United States.
Wants to maintain the current minimum wage.
Health care
Wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Social Security/Medicaid
Says you can’t make changes to Medicaid and Social Security because it isn’t an “entitlement,” but a deal made with the people.
International affairs
Doesn’t support the Iran deal.
Believes we should be tougher on China and support Russia on a conditional basis.
LGBTQ rights
Doesn’t support marriage equality or benefits for same-sex couples.
Believes we need to put a physical wall between Mexico and the United States and make Mexico pay for it.
Gun control
Is for the assault weapon ban, waiting periods and background checks. Otherwise, he supports the Second Amendment.
Wants to cut the Department of Education, teach citizenship, stop dumbing things down (allowing creative spelling, estimating and empowerment) and allow the people to have a choice about what schools their kids go to.
Tax reform
Wants to lower or eliminate corporate taxes, legalize drugs and use the taxes to fund drug education, ensure we have high taxes on imported goods.
Has proposed a one-time 14 percent tax on the wealthy to assist with the national debt.
Wants to create a five-tier tax rate system in which the lowest earners would pay 1 percent and the highest 15.
Previously stated he was pro-choice, but has since said that he is pro-life.
Wants to limit abortion except in cases of rape, incest and threat to the life of the mother.
Sources:, CNN, OnTheIssues
Ben Carson
Until 2013, Ben Carson served as the celebrated director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A leading physician with a host of awards and honorary degrees — including being named a Living Legend by the Library of Congress — he is now a popular motivational speaker and author.
Thinks a balanced budget amendment is imperative to paying down the public debt.
Health care
Opposed to the Affordable Care Act,
Strongly favors Health Savings Accounts
Social Security/Medicare
Proposed a plan that will in part give taxpayers the ability to opt out of social security in lieu of a tax credit for the same amount
International affairs
Believes that the United States has special relationship with Israel and that we must always stand with her people.
Concerning Russian transgressions in Europe and its destabilizing effects across the world, Carson says that “all options should remain on the table when dealing with international bullies such as President Putin”.
LGBTQ rights
Believes marriage is between one man and one woman, but believes Supreme Court ruling is “the law of the land.”
Believes the Canadian guest-worker program may provide a model for revamping immigration.
Gun control
Believes that the Second Amendment is the central pillar to the Constitution and won’t support any efforts to weaken the right to bear arms.
Opposes Common Core
Tax reform
Calls for “wholesale tax reform” and the end of the IRS as we know it.
Believes life begins at conception and is “unabashedly and entirely pro-life.”
Sources: John Hopkins Medicine, Ben Carson For President, Newsmax, Talking Points Memo, On The Issues
Jeb Bush
The only two-term governor in Florida history, Jeb Bush taught English as a second language in Mexico where he met his wife Columba. Marco Rubio, who considers Bush a mentor, jokes, “He’s practically Cuban, just taller. He speaks Spanish better than most of us.”
Opposed to a minimum wage increase and expanded overtime protection.
Wants to ratify a balanced budget amendment.
Health care
Called the Affordable Care Act a “monstrosity.”
Promotes a Republican alternative.
Social Security/Medicare
Wants to raise the retirement age and force wealthier beneficiaries to pay more.
Suggested converting Medicare to a vouchers.
International affairs
Is a stalwart defender of the state of Israel.
LGBTQ rights
Says blatant discrimination because of sexual orientation should not be allowed.
Has called for a “comprehensive and realistic strategy” that includes a “vigorous path” to citizenship.
Gun control
Is a Life Member of the NRA with an A-plus rating.
Signed Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” bill into law.
Calls for an end to top-down education solutions from Washington.
Promotes vouchers, standardized-testing accountability, charter schools and the end of tenure for teachers and virtual education.
Tax reform
Touts his record as Florida governor for cutting taxes.
Seeks to give the first raise to the middle class in 15 years.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Supports defunding Planned Parenthood.
Sources: Jeb 2016, Politifact, Mother Jones, CNN,Mediaite, Politico, Newsweek, Washington Post, CNN, Think Progress, Bloomberg View, Washington Post
Mike Huckabee
A Baptist pastor for 12 years, Huckabee assumed his governorship of Arkansas after the former governor left office for mail fraud and conspiracy convictions. After a weight-related health scare, Huckabee changed his diet, became a devoted runner and lost 100 pounds — later he started the Healthy Arkansas initiative. He also plays bass in the classic rock band, Capitol Offense.
Says U.S. economy can grow 6 percent per year.
Health care
Promises to repeal Affordable Care Act.
Social Security/Medicare
Doesn’t support Medicare reform.
International affairs
Supports a unified Jerusalem and feels that’s it’s imperative to confront and stop Iran.
LGBTQ rights
Vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage.
Says he would not only secure the border, he would oppose any plans for amnesty.
Gun control
A lifetime member of the NRA with an A-plus rating.
Was the first governor to have a concealed handgun license.
Is opposed to Common Core.
Favors a more de-centralized educational strategy that focuses on family and local government.
Tax reform
Wants to to abolish the IRS.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Signed Arkansas’ fetal protection law.
Says life begins at conception.
Sources: Mike Huckabee,Fortune, The Weekly Standard, U.S. News
Marco Rubio
The American-born son of Cuban immigrants, Marco Rubio still believes in the American Dream. He considers Jeb Bush one of his mentors.
Wants more transparency for student loans.
Disapproves of the minimum wage increase.
Health care
Wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a system that allows those with pre-existing conditions to get coverage through a federally supported, actuarially sound high-risk pool.
Social Security/Medicaid
Wants Medicaid to transform into a per-capita cap system and Medicare to become a premium support system (similar to Medicare Advantage and Part D).
International affairs
Vehemently opposed to negotiations with Iran.
Favors a robust response to Russia’s European aggression.
LGBTQ rights
Doesn’t believe the constitution protects marriage equality.
Wants to modernize immigration laws.
Gun control
Has an A rating from the NRA.
Is holder of a concealed weapons permit.
Recently introduced a law to restore Second Amendment rights in D.C.
Favors giving parents the choice of schools their kids attend and ensuring college students fully understand student loans.
Fvors reforming Head Start programs by giving more local control.
Tax reform
Believes in a two-bracket system that eliminates or reforms deductions that disproportionally benefit the wealthy.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Favors defunding Planned Parenthood and outlawing all abortions.
Sources:, OnTheIssues, HotAir, CNN
Rand Paul
Rand Paul is the son of former presidential candidate and now retired U.S. representative Ron Paul — the first time in congressional history a father had served in the House while his son served in the Senate. Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist of 17 years, still practices to this day, performing pro-bono eye exams and operations with the nonprofit organization he founded.
Would like to return America to an energy-focused economy — one that runs on gas, oil and coal and supports the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Advocates eliminating the U.S. departments of education, commerce, housing and energy along with reductions in food stamps, Medicaid and child nutrition programs.
Health care
Would repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a health care system that “ensures real free-market principles are applied.”
Social Security/Medicare
Backs a gradual increase in the age of full retirement.
International affairs
Stands with Israel and other U.S. allies.
LGBTQ rights
Suggested that the governmental recognition of marriage might need to be reexamined.
Opposed to amnesty
Supports a legal immigration process but proposed a bill that would require a border fence to be completed in five years.
Gun control
A member of the Gun Owners of America and the NRA with an A rating
Vowed to uphold the entire Bill of Rights, with particular attention to legislation that may impinge on the Second and Fourth Amendments.
Opposes Common Core.
Wants to give educational powers back to the states, localities and parents.
Tax reform
Has proposed “The Fair and Flat Tax” that would repeal the entire IRS tax code and replace it with broad-based tax of 14.5 percent on both individuals and businesses.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Believes that life begins at conception.
Would restrict federal courts from hearing cases like Roe v. Wade.
Opposes Planned Parenthood funding.
Sources: Rand, RedState, Gun Owners of America, CNN Money, Politico, CNN, CNN Political Ticker
John Kasich
This Ohio governor and former congressman has also worked as an investment banker, at Fox News and was a The New York Times best-selling author.
Supports a balanced-budget amendment.
Health care
Defended Medicaid expansion in his state.
Shifted funding from nursing homes to home-based care.
Accepted the ACA’s Medicaid expansion for his state.
Social Security/Medicare
Believes Baby Boomers should give up some of their rights to Social Security to make way for us to privatize the program.
International affairs
Thinks we should take a tougher approach on China.
Supports helping Ukraine fight off Russia.
Says “we’ve got to begin to destroy” ISIS.
LGBTQ rights
Has voted to ban adoptions for lesbian and gay couples.
Supports an amendment to prevent marriage equality.
Supported Obama’s temporary reprieve of deportation for a select group of people who entered the country illegally.
Isn’t a fan of the “pathway to citizenship” but is open to discussing it.
Gun control
Voted for a federal assault weapons ban.
Now says a cooling-off period should follow any gun-related national tragedy.
Believes the public school system is beyond repair and that teachers are afraid to do their jobs because they’re afraid of being sued or fired.
Expanded state funding of universities in Ohio and signed a law that would freeze tuition in the 2017 fiscal year.
Tax reform
Eliminated the Ohio estate tax (though he did increase cigarette taxes), gave $3 billion in tax cuts for those who created jobs and has repeatedly voted (while in the Congress) to get rid of marriage taxes and cut middle-class taxes.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Is pro-life, but thinks abortions should be allowed in cases of rape and incest.
Sources:, OnTheIssues, The Columbus Dispatch, Ballotpedia, Factivists, Mic
Chris Christie
Chris Christie earned a reputation for exposing government corruption while serving as the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, — a reputation that helped him in his successful bid for governor. On The David Letterman Show, he began eating a doughnut he had stashed in his pocket mid-interview, amusing some and irritating others.
Stated America and its neighbors are currently experiencing an energy renaissance that can be leveraged to create a national strategy that will increase our global competitiveness and economic security.
Would institute a limit to how much businesses must spend on compliance to federal law.
Health care
Has been praised for his expansion of Medicaid in New Jersey under the Affordable Care Act.
Social Security/Medicare
Proposes the long-standing programs would now only subsidize those in need, while simultaneously limiting disability, reducing state incentives to expand their Medicaid programs and raising eligibility ages.
International affairs
Believes in building a “strong, national defense” based on “strong, reliable intelligence” and investments in next-generation weaponry (like unmanned aircraft and directed energy weapons) to better defend ourselves.
LGBTQ rights
Dropped an appeal to overturn marriage equality in NJ.
Believes marriage is only between a man and woman but said he honors the obligation of his office.
Thinks Americans are frustrated with government’s inability to execute current immigration laws.
Gun control
Rated a C by the NRA.
Once vetoed a proposed weapons ban legislation he himself had called for.
Has signed numerous gun control bills that provided for stiffer regulations and tougher penalties.
Points to his broad reforms in his home state as a national model of education.
Wans to reform teacher tenure and expand charter schools.
Tax reform
Endorses a plan that lowers rates, minimizes the individual income tax system and reduces deductions and freebies.
Supports the repatriation of trillions of dollars currently being sheltered in overseas accounts by lowering the corporate tax rate to a more inviting 25 percent.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Is pro-life.
Vetoed Planned Parenthood funding five times.
Sources: Christie 2016,Washington Post,NJ, Washington Times, NJ, Breitbart, Forbes, CBS News, OnTheIssues, The Wall Street Journal,NJ, CNN
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz was the first Hispanic solicitor general of Texas and the youngest person to hold the position in the United States. He’s also argued before the Supreme Court.
Advocates for pro-growth policies.
Favors a balanced budget amendment.
Health care
Authored the Obamacare Repeal Act.
His plan, Health Care Choices Act, would repeal much of the ACA.
Social Security/Medicare
Wants to partially privatize Social Security.
International affairs
Signed the well-known open letter to Tehran.
Has participated in or introduced numerous bills addressing Middle Eastern terrorism including the “Sanction Iran, Safeguard America” Act and the Expatriate Terrorist Act.
LGBTQ rights
Vehemently opposes marriage equality.
Reintroduced the State Marriage Defense Act.
Is opposed to amnesty.
Supports Trump’s immigration plan, saying that much of Trump’s proposal was part of earlier legislation he himself drafted years earlier.
Gun control
Holds the NRA’s highest rating.
Was awarded the NRA’s 2010 Carter-Knight Freedom Fund for “exemplary activities in the support and protection of the right to Keep and Bear Arms.”
Believes that a quality education and a choice in educational opportunities is the right of every student.
Opposes Common Core
Believes education decisions should be made on the state and local level to increase parental and community involvement.
Tax reform
Cosponsored The Chambliss Bill (or Fair Tax), which would replace the current tax system with a 23 percent national sales tax and eliminate the IRS in its current form.
Now favors a simpler tax code based on a flat tax.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Supports bans on the taxpayer funding of abortion, partial-birth abortion and a Texas law that required clinic doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
Called to defund Planned Parenthood.
Sources: Ted Cruz, Politico,The Hill,, Think Progress, Washington Examiner, NRA, PBS,, Dallas News, National Journal, Christian Today, TPM, MRC TV, CNN
Scott Walker
Scott Walker was an Eagle Scout in his youth, is a motorcycle enthusiast — he owns a 2003 Harley-Davidson Road King— and has stated that if he were elected president, he would take online classes to finish his college degree.
Gutted unions in Wisconsin.
Health care
Has developed a health care plan of his own, using a system of tax credits based on age, which he calls “The Day One Patient Freedom Plan.”
Social Security/Medicare
Believes we should honor our agreements with older Americans, but those his age (47) and younger, he says, “we live in a 401K society, we’re ready for reform.”
International affairs
Supports Israel.
Does not support President Obama’s Iran deal.
Says to adequately deal with Iraq and the Islamic State, the U.S. needs to move beyond airstrikes and send in combat troops.
LGBTQ rights
Defines marriage as between “one man and one woman.”
Points to the ratification of a Constitutional amendment as the only alternative left to fight for traditional marriage.
Has shifted his position on immigration and no longer supports a path to citizenship.
Sees increased border security as part of a larger solution but doesn’t necessarily believe we should deport people currently in the country illegally.
Gun control
Passed two pro-gun laws that granted retired and off-duty law enforcement to carry concealed firearms into public schools and removed the state’s 48-hour waiting period.
Has an A-plus NRA rating.
Is against Common Core education standards
Supports the use of school vouchers and the use of public money to allow students to attend private schools.
Tax reform
Used cuts in education to cut taxes in his state.
Signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge.
Wants to slash corporate tax rates nationally and phase out state income taxes.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Strongly against abortion even in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother but spproved legislation that permits an abortion when the mother’s life is in danger.
Defunded Planned Parenthood in his home state.
Sources: Walker16, OnTheIssues, Politifact,The New York Times, PBS, Politifact, Hugh Hewitt, NewsMax, Politico,CNN,CNN, Washington Post,MSNBC, The New York Times
Carly Fiorina
The former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and chair of philanthropic organization Good360, Fiorina is a wife, mother, grandmother and cancer survivor.
Opposed to crony capitalism
Would like the United States to focus on small businesses.
Wants to change the rules about outsourcing
Health care
Wants to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act and replace it with a system that increases competition.
Social Security/Medicare
Open to cutting Social security for younger citizens and raising the retirement age.
International affairs
Would like to send more weapons to the Kurds.
Opposes the Iran nuclear peace deal.
LGBTQ rights
Thinks the Supreme Court overstepped its bounds deciding on marriage equality.
Supported Prop 8’s illegalization of same-sex marriage.
Supports civil unions and other benefits for same sex couples.
Supported the DREAM Act, which would give legal status to those brought here as children.
Has called other attempts to allow adults a path to citizenship unfair to those who came legally.
Gun control
Disapproves of the ban on assault weapons.
Thinks some people on the no-fly list should be able to own weapons because the list is broad.
Believes every parent should have a choice in where their child goes to school.
Supports vouchers.
Tax reform
Wants to simplify the current tax code and opposes an increase in the gas tax.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Opposed to abortion but believes in exceptions for rape, incest and the endangerment of the mother.
Sources:, OnTheIssues, PBS, The Daily Caller,Ballotpedia
Rick Santorum
Before his time as a senator for Pennsylvania and a member of the “Gang of Seven,” Santorum argued before the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission that the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) should be exempt from steroid regulations because wrestling was not a sport because it was faked. He’s currently chairman and CEO for the faith-based Echolight Studios.
Santorum’s “zero-zero-zero” economic plan would remove any taxes on companies repatriating money invested overseas, eliminate taxes for manufacturers and remove all business regulations imposed by the current administration. His focus is on revitalizing “manufacturing, processing, construction and energy sectors so America can once again thrive.”
Health care
Iinvented the health saving accounts back in 1992.
Favors a reconciliation process to repeal the ACA.
Social Security/Medicare
Supports Social Security privatization.
Would accelerate a plan to eliminate the Medicare option for seniors.
International affairs
Supports Israel.
Introduced the “Syria Accountability Act” and the “Iran Freedom and Support Act” legislation.
LGBTQ rights
Believes marriage is between one man and one woman.
Would like to track immigrants via a biometric tracking system, require employers to e-verify all employees, cut federal funds to sanctuary cities, end amnesty and put an end to automatic citizenship.
Gun control
Has a Lifetime A-plus rating from the NRA.
Has on occasion voted in favor of some gun control laws including trigger-lock requirements, gun show background checks and increased penalties for gun violations.
Opposed to Common Core standards.
Opposes national education standards.
Tax reform
Supports a flat-tax code that will eliminate the IRS as it is currently known.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Drafted legislation that outlaws partial-birth abortion.
An evangelical Catholic, he opposes artificial birth control.
Supports a complete ban on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest.
Sources: Rick Santorum, Marketplace, Washington Post, On The Issues, Think Progress, Archives, FactCheck, Deadline
George Pataki
Defeating incumbent Mario Cuomo to become a three-term governor of New York, Pataki led the New York government during the Sept. 11 attacks. He differs from his fellow republicans on a number of issues, notably marriage equality and abortion, which Pataki calls a distraction. He’s never lost an election and if elected, would be the oldest U.S. president in history.
While in office, Pataki was responsible for state income tax reductions and cuts in state spending that boosted New York’s credit rating. Last election period, Pataki launched No American Debt (defunct), an advocacy group focused on candidates who advocated a responsible fiscal approach to the national debt.
Health care
Thinks the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.
Created Revere America (now defunct), to seek the act’s repeal.
As governor, introduced Family Health Plus, which extended coverage to lower-income adults and children.
Social Security/Medicare
Supports the Republican Main Street Partnership which would establish individual savings accounts and improve work incentives.
International affairs
A strong advocate of the Patriot Act.
Supports NSA data collection.
Believes that the United States should deploy ground troops to defeat the Islamic State.
Is critical of the nuclear deal struck with Iran.
Supports ending talks with Palestine until they recognize Israel’s right to exist.
LGBTQ rights
Says same-sex marriage should be left up to the states
Lobbied heavily for a stalled gay rights bill which ultimately became law.
Openly critical of President Obama’s executive order on immigration.
Aadvocates a path to legal status, but not citizenship, through a system of fines and community service.
Gun control
Passed strict legislation against guns, including the requirement that all handguns have trigger locks and be test-fired before being sold (for “ballistic fingerprinting”), a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition clips and numerous added purchasing restrictions and penalties.
Opposes a nationally imposed educational system.
Supports ending Common Core.
Tax reform
Believes the tax code should be revamped and simplified by reducing tax rates and eliminating most tax deductions.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Says he’s a pro-choice advocate who is against government-funded and late-term abortions
Does not support restrictions to a woman’s access to abortion.
Has petitioned the GOP to drop the issue of abortion from their platform entirely.
Sources: George Pataki,PBS, NPR,The New York Times, Wikipedia, Washington Times, On The Issues, Republican Main Street Partnership,Newsmax, CNN
Lindsey Graham
If elected, retired Air Force Reservist colonel Lindsey Graham would be the first lifelong bachelor president since James Buchanan in 1856. Earlier this year, Graham told reporters he wouldn’t ever be caught in an email scandal like Hilary Clinton because not only does he not have a private email server — he has never sent an email.
Voted against increasing the minimum wage in 2014 (he did vote for an increase in 2007).
Cosponsored a bill with Rand Paul to audit the Federal Reserve.
Wants to replace the food stamp program with state grants.
Health care
Has been an integral part of numerous pieces of legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Favors “market-driven reforms” that provide greater flexibility for businesses, preserve individual choice and improve access to quality care.
Social Security/Medicare
Would use price indexing to significantly reduce retirement and survivor benefits.
Supports voluntary private savings accounts to which workers would be allowed to contribute additional funds.
Would transfer trillions of dollars back from general revenues into Social Security.
International affairs
Supports Israel.
Wants to block the current Iran deal.
Would fight the Islamic State with ground troops and increased airstrikes.
LGBTQ rights
Belives that marriage is only between a man and a woman and voted against marriage equality.
Has publicly stated that refusing to accept the recent Supreme Court decision on marriage equality will only hurt the Republican party in the long run.
Would oppose a path to citizenship and the DREAM Act until the border is secure.
Believes undocumented workers should have to pay taxes and learn English, among other requirements.
Gun control
Advocates restrictions on guns for the mentally ill.
Is a strong proponent of gun rights in general, supporting access to assault weapons and large magazine clips.
Has fought legislation proposing an expansion of background checks.
Opposes Common Core.
Cosponsored a Senate resolution that suggests that federal funds were used by the current administration to coerce the states into accepting the national education standard.
Tax reform
Favors a universal flat tax, allowing for a few deductions for home ownership, charities and taxpayers on a fixed income.
To correct a national debt that he believes can no longer be addressed with spending cuts alone, says a potential tax increase may be necessary.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Opposes abortions after 20 weeks, but would allow for exceptions in cases of rape or incest or when the mother’s life is in danger.
Sources: Lindsey Graham, PBS, On The Issues,CBPP, ATTN, Conservative Review, CNN
Bobby Jindal
Credited with orchestrating 1.9 million civilians out of the path of Hurricane Gustave in 2008 (the largest evacuation in U.S. history), Bobby Jindal is so committed to the state of Louisiana, he resigned from the Bush administration to run for governor.
Wants to invest the retirement benefits for teachers and state workers while encouraging investment low-to-moderate income areas
Believes in revamping our workforce training programs.
Health care
Wants market-based alternatives to the Affordable Care Act.
Social Security/Medicare
Opposes Medicaid expansion.
International affairs
Believes Republicans messed up the Iran deal by getting “conned.”
LGBTQ rights
Opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Believes every child deserves a mother and father.
Believes Mexico is effectively exporting its unemployment to the United States.
Supports a sealed border.
Gun control
Supports the Second Amendment.
Supports stricter background checks.
Supports rewarding good teachers with flex pay and paying 90 percent of public school cost as private or parochial school tuition.
Tax reform
Has cut LA taxes.
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Pro-life, but doesn’t oppose abortions that will save the life of the mother.
Supports the use of emergency contraception if a rape victim requests it.
Sources: Wikipedia, OnTheIssues, Huffington Post
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