Let’s give the word “wanderlust” new meaning, shall we?
Here’s one for starters: Wanderlust is a deep, almost primal urge to discover new surroundings, new people, new cultures — and even new things about yourself.
Do you like that? So do we.
All summer, the FOMO has been so real, watching friends and family go on these extravagant vacations overseas or even embark on a weekend getaway to go hiking through a national park. But those photos alone won’t get us off our couches and into the outdoors to explore everything Mother Nature has to offer. No, but these quotes do.
You’re probably thinking, “Yeah freaking right.” But it’s true! These 25 quotes will truly spark a fire in your soul; they’ll make you reevaluate your life and ask the question, “Am I doing enough for myself? And am I truly living?”
This is getting deep, we’ll admit. But every once in a while, it’s important to take a step back and ensure that 20 years from now, you won’t regret anything about the life you lived and the experiences you had.
Now, go — go get inspired.
A version of this article was originally published in April 2016.
Secret Destinations
You never know what will happen on a journey.
Regulate Imagination
Travel provides a whole different lens through which to look at your life.
Why We Travel
Don't let life escape you!
All People
When we travel, we see that as different as we all are, we are so much the same.
Adventure or Nothing
So, what will it be?
Travel Is Hope
Where will you find hope?
A Magnifying Glass
Magnify your life.
The Road Is Life
On the road — forever.
So true.
Travel Is Change
It's definitely about more than just the sights.
New Vigor
Where will you go?
Coming Home
Coming home is beautiful too.
There is beauty in being lost.
For travel's sake, go!
The Other Side of the World
All travel — no matter how far — changes us.
The Art of Travel
Let yourself go!
What stories will you tell?
Our Views of People
Don't vegetate in your corner.
The Shore
What will you discover?
Traveler or Tourist?
Which one are you?
Don't stop at Page 1.
Endless Adventure Awaits
Seek them!
Stuff Your Eyes
So fantastic!
20 Years From Now
Don't be disappointed.
We can all use more modesty.
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