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20 women admit what they splurge on

This year I finally gave in to my tea snobbery and started ordering loose tea directly from London. My friends were aghast that I’d pay so much for a drink (until they tasted it), but it makes me happy, and it’s one thing I will absolutely treat myself to.

Too often, we find ourselves justifying or apologizing for how we splurge, either with our money or time, in order to treat ourselves or our families. We backtrack, hide or apologize for the things that make us happy because someone else might judge us for our financial decisions or how we allocate our time. As often as “me time” and “self-care” get thrown around the internet, too often we don’t take it to heart or we judge others for what they deem worthwhile in their own lives.

That’s why we decided to get honest about how we splurge on things and asked our Community what they unapologetically devote their time or money on, whether it be for themselves or their loved ones. Their answers were pretty awesome and gave us an idea or two along the way.

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