Anne of Green Gables is one of our favorite books for a reason. From its strong female protagonist to the amazing life lessons it teaches, this classic will never get old. The book knows just how to bring out your inner daydreamer, give you a confidence-boosting kick and highlight the importance of always making fun the priority. This classic is an essential read, and its lessons should never be forgotten. Here are our favorite Anne quotes.
Make up your mind
You control your own happiness!
A laugh
Nothing brightens up life like a good laugh.
Kindred spirits
Keep an eye out — there are kindred spirits everywhere.
Buried hopes
There’s nothing wrong with burying hopes to make room for new ones.
True friends
A true friend will never be lost.
Big ideas
Big thinkers use big words.
Never stop striving for your ambitions.
Dear old world
We’re all lucky to be on this world.
Let your imagination run wild.
The sea
The sea’s worth cannot be measured.
Look good, feel good!
Make your imaginations come to life.
Growing up
Childhood dreams don’t always turn out the way you thought they would.
Every day is a fresh start.
Trying and failing
Failure is the best teacher.
Things great
Good things come in small packages.
Influence others for good
It’s our most important job!
As cheerful as you can
Just do your best.
Your thoughts are the most precious things you own.
Talk back
Never be afraid to talk back and speak your mind.
An interesting world
Every day is a discovery waiting to happen.
Don’t wait for your dreams to come true. Make them happen.
The worst of imagining
Don’t you wish we could just daydream forever?
The more mistakes you make, the more you learn how to stop making them.
Around the bend
The grass is always greener on the other side of the bend.
Anne quotes we love
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