Working toward your goals is serious stuff — and it’s exhausting. It’s not uncommon to get a little sidetracked every now and then, and it’s not a big deal unless you let it turn into a permanent break. Sometimes, all it takes to get back on track is a little motivation, and these quotes should get that done.
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It always seems impossible
No goal is ever impossible to reach.
Always do your best
Those things that seem so trivial now can have a big impact down the road.
It’s whether you get back up
How you react to a tough situation shows your true colors.
The harder the conflict
A little conflict can be a good thing.
One corner of the universe
You can’t change everything, but you can change you — and that’s a great place to start.
The end of your rope.
Hang on tight when times get tough.
In order to succeed
You can do anything you put your mind to.
What you do today
Everything you do today paves the way for your future.
If you never begin
There’s no time like the present to start toward your goals.
Attempt to do something great
There’s a lot to be said for trying.
It does not matter
Even the slowest mover is still making progress.
You may encounter many defeats
Losing the battle does not mean losing the war. Just keep fighting.
The person who never gives up
If you never give up, nothing can bring you down.
Go a step past
Don’t let the opinions of others define you.
Perseverance is not a long race
It’s all about not giving up — just take it one step at a time.
Motivating quotes
Don’t forget to pin these quotes for when you need a little motivation.
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