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The Best Plus-Size Swimwear Available Right Now

Question: Who’s got their bodies ready for bikini season? Answer: Everybody with a body (we’re open to the incorporeal who longingly haunt beachfronts too.) Whether you love splashing in the water, swimming marathons or relaxing by the pool, a swimsuit that makes you feel confident and secure is a must-have.

Luckily for everybody, plus-size swimwear just keeps getting better. No more one-pieces tucked into the back corner of a store — plus-size swimsuits are now fashion-forward, bold and beautiful. For some, the perfect look will be a showstopping bikini. For others, it might be a flirty swim dress. Whatever floats your lounge-ready boat.

So get ready to take on the summer in style. Hit up every last body of water. Permission to run through the sprinklers? Granted. We picked out some of our favorite swim looks for the summer 2018 season, and what can we say? You’re gonna look darn cute.

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