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The Pitch: Majora Carter sells us on a way to create and provide tech jobs

Did Majora Carter sell you in her 60 seconds? StartUp Box pairs tech companies looking for quality talent with entry-level employees in low-status communities. Sounds like a win-win to us!

Name:  Majora Carter

What you’re pitching: StartUp Box is a B2B tech services company located in and employing people from low-status communities. We do cross-platform quality assurance software testing, customer care and diverse talent recruitment for some amazing clients. Our employees build peer-to-peer professional relationships with the people at client companies and learn on the job that there is more to the knowledge economy than just coding!

Position: CEO

Hails from: The Bronx

Birthday: Oct. 27, 1966

Personal life: I have a personal life? Oh…

Priors: MacArthur “genius” Fellow, Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, lots of honorary Ph.D.s, NYU MFA, Wesleyan Distinguished Alum

Pitch inspired by: I wanted to design a solution for diversifying tech that leveraged existing cash flows, not more handouts.

Mentor(s)/people who inspire: This week, Bree Newsome

Last read/watched/listened: Read: Bad Hair Does Not Exist. Watched: Game of Thrones

Social: @MajoraCarter

Guilty pleasure: Bacon, chocolate, peanut butter… can be combined

How I recharge: Spin class, my husband’s cooking

Top of travel wish list: South of France, again

What does it take to change someone’s mind? To convince them to buy a product, modify their daily routine or completely make over their lives? Could you sell someone on an idea in under 60 seconds? We invite you to try. But remember — the clock is ticking. To participate in The Pitch or recommend someone you know, contact us at [email protected].

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