We can’t help it: We are a society of self-help guide junkies. But with so many books coming out in a constant rotation, how can we tell the best from the rest?
Get to a bookstore and find the 10 current best relationship guides on the market.
1. He’s Just Not That Into You
by Greg Behrendt
This book tells the single-woman scenario of really digging a guy who is giving mixed messages. Behrendt is a former executive story editor for Sex and the City who, in this now-classic book, tells all of us women to stop kidding ourselves, let go and look for someone else who may actually feel the same way we do.
2. All Men Are Jerks – Until Proven Otherwise
by Daylle Deanna Schwartz
It’s not male bashing. Written well before He’s Just Not That Into You, it tells women how they create the jerks they later complain about by making men too important and not paying attention to his inexcusable behavior that tells you he’s not that into you. The book’s motto: If you want a man, get a life! We agree.
3. All the Rules
by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider
Why buy the original and the sequel when it’s all in one volume? A compilation of “The Rules” and “Rules II”, it’s somewhat old-fashioned and rigid sounding, but really can help to bring some perspective to yourself and the people you choose to date.
4. Red Flags: How to Know When You are Dating a Loser
by Gary S. Aumiller
Alert! You must know the warning signs so that you will be prepared! The book lists 25 different categories of “Loser,” from the Abuser to the Wanderer, and provides a set of quizzes for each type so that the reader can tell if her blind date really isn’t worth pursuing. It’s an invaluable bible for your dating arsenal!
5. Choosing ME before WE, Every Woman’s Guide to Life and Love
by Christine Arylo
If you are looking for a great dating guide that can help women stop making the same mistakes we’ve been making for centuries, this book is a great resource. It’s full of stories, insights and ME Reflections (questions that women can ask themselves to find their own true answers) and it’s written from one girlfriend to another.
6. The 30-Day Heartbreak Cure
by Catherine Hickland
This is truly a great life/dating guide; it will make you the smartest chick on the block. Taken one day at a time, like any true recovery process, it’s a plan for getting over him and back on your feet – no looking back.
7. Be Honest – You’re Just Not That Into Him Either
by Dr. Ian Kerner
It’s not as worn out a catch phrase as “He’s just not that into you,” but also a relatable, and thoughtfully written book largely about how women end up frustrated with the lack of response they’re getting from men – forgetting they’re not even that interested in these guys to begin with, and how we should stick with our standards.
8. Bad Boys: Why We Love Them, How to Live with Them and When to Leave Them
by Carole Lieberman, M.D.
Do you like bad boys? What girl secretly doesn’t? Here is a practical, entertaining guide to the twelve male personality types generally seen as “bad boys” and analyzes behavior patterns. It also advises women who are currently involved with these types on how to save the relationship or when to leave it.
9. Why Men Love Bitches
by Sherry Argov
Do not be offended by the title – it’s tried-and-true advice on how to be kind yet empowered. Argov writes, “The woman I’m describing is kind yet strong. She doesn’t give up her life and she won’t chase a man.” Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered. Well, if that’s being a bitch, I’m proud to be one!
10. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
by Steve Harvey
The concept behind this book is quite simple. According to Steve Harvey, women fail at relationships because they’re asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. He may have a point. Great advice, and entertaining – it really made us think, and will hopefully do the same for you!
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