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Romantic baths for two

The shower doesn’t have to be the tub’s often-overlooked sidekick. Try one of these ideas for a new twist.



Shower Power

When you don’t have time to take a nice bubble bath with your partner, opt for a nice, hot, candlelit shower with incense and music. This is wonderful for mornings because it refreshes the mind for the day.
–submitted by Anonymous

My fiance and I live in a suburb and commute to work together every day. We don’t get a lot of time alone together, because we carpool with friends to work and back. We leave very early in the morning and don’t get home until late at night, and since we are very tired from the days work, we go straight to bed. The other night, we decided to have a relaxing bath together. I massaged his back and we laid quietly, just listening to each others breathing. He then turned on the shower! It was hard to see, but VERY romantic! It was like our own private rainfall, one which would never stop until we wanted it to.
–submitted by Lori

Try this one on for size. If you and your lover are in the mood to be extra romantic on a rainy day, and want to spice things up, but aren’t in the mood to make love in the rain, take a shower instead. It works great with the bathroom window open. It works even better if the bathroom window is right next to the tub. Turn off the lights and leave the curtain all the way open, or only slightly depending on how comfortable you are. Try it and enjoy! Something else that works is to take a bath together when it’s raining. Lay there in hot water, listening to the rain and the rhythm of their heart beat as you enjoy their company.
–submitted by Anonymous

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