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Same-sex salsa dance couple breaks so many stereotypes

One talented couple proved this week that a national stage — and serious talent — is all they needed to break down ideas of what dance is all about. You have to watch this!

See you later, stereotypes.

A salsa-dancing duo’s audition on America’s Got Talent showed that preconceived notions about gender roles in the arts are (thankfully) dwindling in America.

Salsa dancers John Narvaes and Andrew Cervantes gave an incredible performance during their nearly five-minute spot on the show.

“Do other dancers give you a hard time when you do a dance partnership with a man?” judge Howard Stern asked the confident duo.

“Absolutely not,” the straight — “and looking!” — Narvaes replied. “After I danced with this kid socially one time, it shows everyone that he can follow better than a girl. It’s quite unique!”

And that it was. The pair got a standing ovation from the judges and crowd after the performance — and a pass onto the next round.

“This is pretty inspirational because I think we live in a time of transition,” Stern said. “The fact is, you’re both terrific dancers. I think you’re an exciting addition to our competition and I love what you do.”

“Literally effortless,” fellow judge Melanie B. added. And that’s what it should be about — talent, not what’s “right” because that’s what’s always been done. That goes for dancing, relationships, children’s toys… anything. If you want to dance with someone of the same sex? Do it.

“We’re all about breaking the rules,” Narvaes said.

Rules are meant to be broken, boys.

Watch Narvaes and Cervantes’ audition on America’s Got Talent

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