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89-Year-old man goes on best Tinder dates in history

What would you do if you went on a Tinder date and the “21-year-old filmmaker” you agreed to meet was actually 89 years old and the grandfather of six? Well, this happened to some real women. And the video is just hilarious.

The whole thing was more or less a joke that this 89-year-old man’s grandson encouraged him to play. The women who met with him were mostly gracious and seemed to have a sense of humor about the whole thing (though the woman who worked at a sex shop was a little… interesting). See below:

How funny is that?

That man has to be the coolest grandfather of all time. What I love about him is that he’s funny and cute, but he’s nobody’s fool, either. He’s not into being lampooned or lampooning himself. He seems genuinely interested in learning about Tinder and sex shops and bizarre sex moves he’s never heard of. How cool is that? May we all be so awesome well into our 80s, too.

The video is also, without meaning to be, kind of an anthem for why online dating can be so difficult as well. You really don’t know what you are going to get. People lie all the time. People who don’t have jobs say they do, men who are balding say they aren’t, and women don’t reveal what they really look like either by using out-of-date photos or extremely flattering close-ups. Let’s face it: The world of online dating is full of lies.

Sometimes, though, you get to meet interesting people despite them. That’s the moral here. Love this man and his remarkable energy. Go Grandpa!

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