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11 things we learned about real relationships

All of February, we’ve been talking to our amazing community of Experts about looooove. In our last Twitter chat, we spoke about what it meant to be in an everyday relationship. Here are some of the nuggets of truth we learned about what real relationships look like.

1. Chemistry is great, but what really matters are trust, respect and communication.

2. You, your partner and your relationship are three separate entities that need to be understood and cared for.

3. It’s probably not a good idea to be friends with your ex.

4. “Someday, he’ll want you back” is terrible advice and rarely true.

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5. A few of the community’s #RelationshipGoals? Barack and Michelle Obama, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

6. Don’t mistake that crazy feeling for love. A good partner makes you feel loved, secure and safe—not crazy.

7. Forever soul mates are probably not a thing.

8. Technology has made dating harder.

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9. Opposites attract, but only last if your core values are the same.

10. Want to really connect? Wine helps.

11. Love is both a feeling and a choice.

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A big thanks to our Expert panelists Dixie LaiteAmy Juicebox and Danielle Herzog for their insights, many of which are included here.

Want to join in? Our next love chat is Thursday, February 25th at 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT. Tweet with us using #SKExperts.

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